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De Quincey is the most dangerous vampire in London. He has made his way to the top of the city's most powerful clan. Any vampire living in London is subject to his whim. He is old ⎼ old even for one of the Night Children. He lived most of his life before the Accords, and he loathes living beneath the yoke of the Law. And most of all, he hates Nephilim.◢



TESSA Gray still dared dream. Her mind ran wild with the endless possibilities of her seeing her brother again and perhaps that was why she accepted to try and change into the vampire they've been talking to for the last hour. Even though she had never once before tried becoming a Downworlder, a wish, hope of meeting Nate again overpowered her fear and her mind agreed with the daring task.

Before she could even comprehend what was going, her hand was reaching for the necklace Camille Belcourt's hand had been offering her. However, before her fingers could even imagine the feeling of cold metal against them, another hand took the precious jewelry away from her.

"Tessa," Jem glanced at the girl beside him. "Are you absolutely sure that you want to do this?"

Tessa grasped the red ruby necklace from Jem's hands, shutting her eyes tightly. "I have to."

"No," Marie interrupted. "You don't."

Images of the dark days spent in company of the Dark Sisters were unfolding before Marie's very own eyes. The icy chills tumbled down her perfectly straight back, sending tingling sensations through her wounds, provoking her hands to graze over them.

But instead of getting a response out of her friend, Marie only got an ear⎼piercing scream.

Marie wanted to run toward Tessa and do whatever needed to be done, just so the girl would find her way to the real world. After all, she was the only one who understood what Tessa felt while changing the shape of her body.

The sight of the girl twisting and turning on the ground pained her heart.

Marie wanted to help, she truly did, but Will's hands were holding her in place, tightly clasped around her waist. "Tess!"

"Jem, go," Will uttered to his parabatai, sending him a concerned look. By now, Marie had her head buried deep into Will's shoulder. Her small palms were pressed to her ears and her eyes were shut, begging to block the unbearable screams that echoed through the Sanctuary Room.

The silver⎼haired Shadowhunter kneeled beside Tessa, grasping one of her hands. "Tessa?"

On the whispered words that passed the lips of the Carstairs' boy, loud yells died out. The newfound silence craved attention, succeeding in its intention when it finally managed to drew all the gazes to Tessa Gray ⎼ or Camille Belcourt.

Gasps broke around the room. The residents and guest of the London Institute had to be imagining things; their eyes and mind were were putting a twisted game right before them for where once stood Tessa ⎼ now was Camille. The exact same woman with shimmering, pale blonde hair, white skin and emerald green eyes.

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