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A clockwork army born of neither Heaven nor Hell, designed to destroy whatever crosses its path.◢



MAGNUS Bane kissed Tessa's gloved hand.

"Camille, my darling, we have been parted far too long."

Tessa who struggled in keeping a straight face felt chills running through her body, making her jerk back at the arisen uncomfortableness.

"I see," Magnus whispered, meeting Marie's eyes. The green orbs with golden speckles shimmered with pure amusement and joy. "Come along, my ladies. There is a private room where we can talk."

The two girls didn't need any more convincing; anything was better than standing under the watchful gazes of London's vampires. However, that didn't mean that the Night Children passed on the opportunity of turning to look after them, as they passed.

In a few short minutes, the three companions reached a door. Magnus pulled out a key, opening it with a single, soft click.

The room hidden behind the door was a library. What pained Marie's heart was that, by the looks of it, it was rarely used. Furniture, shelves and books, every single object in the dark space, was covered in a thick layer of dust. There were even spider webs present in the corners of the walls.

As soon as the door behind the three closed, Magnus snapped his fingers. Lights in the fireplaces on either side of the library illuminated in an unusual shade of blue, a strong scent cascading around.

"Oh!" Tessa exclaimed in surprise.

"Have you never seen a Warlock do magic before?" Magnus grinned as he positioned himself onto the table which stood in the center of the room.

"Mr. Bane," but when Magnus gave her a wide-eyed look, Marie made sure to correct herself before it was too late. "Sorry. Magnus, please do not tease her. I expect Camille told you she knows very little of the Shadow World."

"Indeed," Magnus admitted. "It is just hard to believe such a statement, considering what the girl can do. Not to mention that the time the two of you spent together; it should have done miracles."

Magnus' eyes fell on Tessa. "I saw your face when I kissed your hand. You knew who I was immediately, didn't you? You know what Camille knows. There are some Warlocks and demons who can shift - take on any shape. But I have never heard of one who could do what you do."

"It cannot be said for certain that I'm a Warlock," Tessa stated. "Charlotte says I'm not marked like a Warlock would be marked."

"Oh, you're a Warlock. Depend on it. Just because you don't have bat ears..." Magnus notice Tessa's saddened frown. "Oh, you don't want to be a Warlock, do you? You despise the idea."

"I just never thought..." Tessa looked down at her feet. "That I was anything other than human."

"Poor thing. Now that you know the truth, you can never look back."

"Magnus," Marie warned. "I think that's enough. I must search the room. You do not have to help, but then, at least try not to torment Tessa while I do it."

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