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I think I felt her heart beating.◢



UPON hearing Jem's words that Will had probably left to go and find Tessa, Marie's world started spinning. Her mind didn't know how to process the newly given information; now, she didn't have one friend exposed to danger, but two. Therefore, Marie had no other choice. She had to be quick, successfully fight the time and protect those she had cared about. It was a promise she had given to herself a long time ago; one she didn't intend on breaking.

The brunette ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Her muscles, although strong and trained, were burning with hot pain. They begged her to stop and rest for a while, but Marie knew that wasn't an option. Instead, she only ran faster.

Finally, Marie's eyes fell on William. He was fighting two of the clockwork automatons. Marie couldn't deny it; the boy looked like he didn't need any help in destroying them. He moved fast and gracious around the creatures, fooling them with each movement.

And although the brunette had enjoyed Will's dangerous dance with the automatons, she whispered the name of her seraph blade. In a few short steps, the girl sneaked onto the creature, stabbing it through its heartless chest. Upon colliding with the weapon, the automaton produced strange noises. It stumbled straight through the Institute's window, into its deserved death.

"I could have taken them both down, Marie," William stated, meeting Marie's eyes.

He had wanted to prove how great he is, as if I don't already know that.

"Oh, believe me, I know. We just don't have the time for you to show off your brilliant skills."

Without wasting another second, young Shadowhunters began running. Their footsteps echoed around the wide hallways, signalling the urge of theirs to arrive on time. Once they have finally reached the doors of the Sanctuary, Marie and William were breathless.

Marie took a short moment to examine her childhood friend. His pale skin was decorated in shallow cuts. He was hurt, but there was no time for drawing Iratzes.

"You ready?" William whispered towards Marie.

"More than ever."

Next thing she knew, Will was drawing a precise Open rune, pushing the door forward so they could enter the Sanctuary. Quickly, Will exchanged his steele for another seraph blade, giving it a name of an angel.

Following a creak, Marie and William gazed around the room, frozen in place. They had wanted to believe their sight was playing games with them, so they had to close their eyes for a moment, praying that they were imagining things.

But even when they opened their eyes again, nothing changed.

They were too late.

Tessa lay crumpled by the fountain whose water was painted red. The flowy, blue and white dress Tessa had worn the last time Marie had seen her was now scarlet.

Blood. There was so much of it.

And a knife; sharp knife that was placed in Tessa's limp hand, drenched with crimson liquid.

Her friend showed no signs of life and it angered Marie. It angered her so much that she wanted to approach Mortmain who dared kneel beside Tessa and behead him on the site. She wanted to remove his hand which dared lay on her friend's shoulder.

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