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One thing certainly didn't change, despite all the years that have passed and that is you staying the same arrogant and overly-self-confident bastard.◢



WILLIAM Herondale did not let go of the reason that stood behind Marie's attending the Enclave meeting. In his mind, perhaps out of jealousy that he didn't get the opportunity first, Marie Wayland shouldn't have been able to do so. Not only was she underage, like himself, but the girl had been through many hardships lately. Deep inside, without wanting to admit it to himself, Will knew that he only wanted to keep Marie safe and exposing to the dangerous plan of Charlotte and the rest of Enclave was the exact opposite of what being safe meant.

"Why would they even want you attending the Enclave meeting in the first place?" Will threw a question at the female Shadowhunter who had been preparing herself for the upcoming mission. "Don't you think that's a little suspicious?" 

"How many times do I have to repeat it until the explanations penetrates your thick skull? I don't know. Maybe it was my father's idea, if he knows about all of this - that is," Marie answered without meeting the boy's gaze.

"Do you not think that it's a little out of ordinary that the Enclave agreed with the plan so quickly?" Will continued.

"Perhaps, but if that is our only chance of figuring everything out, then I am completely fine with it, even though it seems suspicious," Marie nearly finished hiding her weapons in the places Downworlders would never dare look for, and then - as if she remembered something, she looked up and met Will's ocean blue irises. "Wait, how do you even know that they approved of this?"

Will's thin lips moved up, curling into a heart-breaking smirk that made Marie's heart fasten its pace. "Well, Jem, Tessa and myself might have listened to the whole meeting."

The brunette chuckled to herself. "I would say that I'm surprised, but then I would be lying to myself."

"You know me, Marie Celine Wayland," Will said. "I can't resist not having all the information right up my sleeve."

"Yes, well," Marie began walking towards the door, Will following right after. "I did spend a few very interesting years here."

"You know they were interesting only because of yours truly," the boy pointed at himself.

"One thing certainly didn't change, despite all the years that have passed," Marie said as she met the cold air of London. "And that is you staying the same arrogant and overly-self-confident bastard."

"Marie, do you hear that?" Will questioned seriously.

"Hear what?" The girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"The sound of my heart breaking."

"Ah," Marie said as she spotted Jem who was giving a hand to Tessa so she could enter the carriage. "I might be the first one doing that."

"Oh, but you're the only one that's allowed to do so," Will said, quickly in grasping Marie's hand so that she wouldn't follow Tessa's steps.

The brunette Shadowhunter turned around. "I thought you were mad at me for not telling you about the Mark and the scars?"

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