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Goodness, my nose in enormous. Why didn't anyone tell me?◢



DEVASTATING silence roamed around the dining room. Careful looks were exchanged, questioning what was about to happen.

The Branwell woman cleared her throat, observing Marie and Tessa apologetically. "Let's not make this any harder than it has to be. I am aware that none of us is able to portray the monstrosities the two of you were put through, but we need to be told about everything that had taken place underneath the roof of that building. Marie, you need to tell us what happened ⎼ from the moment you were taken away. Every single thing ⎼ even what you might consider unimportant ⎼ needs to meet the daylight. I know that asking this from you is unfair, considering that you've been through Hell and back ⎼ but, we need as many information as we can get. Miss Gray, if you have anything to share ⎼ please do not hesitate."

Marie inhaled, closing her hazel eyes for a moment. She tried to prepare for facing her worst fears. While considering whether or not she should tell the whole truth to her family or omit some events and embellish the horrors, Marie felt a rough hand capturing her smaller and more delicate one. A comforting squeeze followed.

A simple action Will had shown to the girl made her turn toward him and take in his appearances. The boy's hair was dark, almost black and messier than usually. Untamed locks were beautifully framing his high cheekbones, making the brunette's heart swell just by examining Will's features.

His eyes did not meet her hazel ones and deep down ⎼ it disappointed her a little. However, his touch ⎼ that was hidden from everyone's gaze ⎼ offered Marie the comfort and encouragement she needed.

"So, have you asked Miss Gray about the Pandemonium Club yet?" Will asked, noticing Marie's unpreparedness to start a conversation.

"I recognize the words. They were written on the side of Mrs. Dark's carriage," Tessa said. "I managed to see that."

"It's an organization," Charlotte said. "A rather old organization of mundanes who have interested themselves in the magical arts. At their meetings they do spells and try to summon up demons and spirits."

Jessamine snorted. "I can't imagine why they bother. Messing about with spells and wearing hooded robes and setting little fires. It's ridiculous."

"Oh, they do more than that," added Marie, finally joining the conversation. "They're more powerful in Downworld than you might think. Many rich and important figures in mundane society are members⎼"

"That only makes it sillier." Jessamine tossed her hair. "They have money and power. Why are they playing around with magic?"

"A good question," said Charlotte. "Mundanes who involve themselves in things they know nothing about are likely to meet unpleasant ends."

Will shrugged. "When I was trying to track down the source of the symbol on that knife Jem and I found in the alley, I was directed to the Pandemonium Club. The members of it in turn directed me to the Dark Sisters. It's their symbol ⎼ the two serpents. They supervised a set of secret gambling dens frequented by Downworlders. They existed to lure mundanes in and trick them into losing all their money in magical games, then, when the mundanes fell into debt, the Dark Sisters would extort the money back at ruinous rates. They ran some other businesses as well, most unsavory ones. The house in which they kept Marie and Miss Gray, I had been told, was a Downworlder brothel catering to mundanes with unusual tastes."

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