Follow You [Chapter 10]

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A/N you shld look up the actual music vid it's just. . .%$SDHFGHUVYIINDFTRZERS$W!!! 

"Caia," he cried, voice breaking, "what are you doing?!?!" 

"I. . .umm. . .I didn't feel good?" I try to sound believable, but it's not working.

"No Caia, stop lying to me. I suspected this was going on a long time, but I really didn't want it to be true, why?" His gorgeous eyes are filling with tears, yet another person I've hurt. He'll be so much better when I'm dead and gone. 

"Caia, tell me," he pleads. 

"Ky, I. . .I can't." I mumble. 

"Yes, you can," he states, "You have to. I want to know the whole story." 

"The whole story?" I swallow the lump in my throat. 

"The whole story," he presses. 

"I-it started when I was 12," I begin, "My parents used to love me, I was their prized possession. But one day, they just started to ignore me. I did everything I could to get their attention. I even cut for them,  later realizing it really worked to get rid of pain." 

"You wanted it to show on the outside how much it hurt on the inside," he intones softly. 

"Y-yeah, you understand?" I stutter. 

He grimly pulls up his sleeve, revealing old scars. I wrap him tight in my arms. He relaxes, but pulls back after a minute, 

"Continue your story." 

"Oh, that. I finally clued in to the real reason they were ignoring me. I was fat. So I. . .I s-stopped e-eating," I stammer," and when I d-did eat, I threw it back up. I started overexercising, to the point that I would pass out. People worried when they saw my collarbones, so I hid in baggy sweatshirts and jeans. 

"Eventually they figured out what was going on." 

"Your parents?" he questioned. 

"They're not my parents," I spit, "They're just the people who had sex so that I could be born." 

"Oh-kay then. What happened when they found out?" he ran his hand through his gorgeous hair. 

I shrug, "They locked me up in rehab for three months, until I was nice and fat again. When I came back to school, people started talking, saying I was a crazy. I couldn't deal with it anymore, neither could Kat, Cas, or Abby. 

"We began cutting even more, and we started burning our skin. Our parents found out, and we were all scheduled to go back to rehab after my birthday. We didn't want to g back and get stuffed with pills and tubes. So we said our good-byes and hung a rope. Mine broke," I finish, "And Ky, I want to join them." 

"Is it even possible for me to talk you out of this?" he begs. 

"No," my eyes are filled with determination, I will not fail this time. Never again> 

"Okay," he sighs, "Then I'm coming with you." 

"No! Ky! You can't!" I practically scream, "You have a family, you have friends!" 

"But if you die," his kaleidoscope eyes once again turn sad, "I won't have you, and I can't bear that." 

He can't be reasoned with, so I finally nod. 

"We only have about 30 days left alive, let's make the best of them."

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