Ana Ali [Chapter 24]

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Breakfast, lunch, and dinner continued the same way throughout the week.  I always get this girl to eat my food, and she always commands me to eat something small. She has yet to tell me her name. I ask and ask, but she just shakes her head and stuffs her mouth full with more of my food. I figure it's alright.

There is one change, though. Another girl joins our quiet table of three. She says they call her Anorexic Alexis, and she's delighted to find my friend who is willing to eat anything. We chatter nonstop; discussing work out methods,  our favorite sugar free gum, and the best thinspo sites.  

A couple days after she first sits with us, she introduces me to Splenda Shots. 

"Basically," she sips at her water, "You dump two packets of splenda into a shot glass full of water. Lukewarm, ice cold, doesn't matter. It's all the taste, but none of the calories!" 

"I've got to try that," I respond, already anticipating, 

"Unfortunately," she sighs, "There's no splenda here. Only real sugar for us Super Sweet Starvers. But I used to do it all the time at home, as a reward. Regular splenda shot for each pound lost, add a little lime when I lose five!" 

"You could make that into a cheer," I laugh. 

"Add a little lime, when you lose five!" she chanted, thrusting imaginary pom-poms into the stale air. She stood up and wiggled her butt, or rather, her lack of one. I doubled over from laughter, and ended up with aching cheeks and split sides. One of her friends came over to see what was going on. 

"Alexis? Please tell me you haven't told that joke about the redneck and his sister for the millionth time?" the girl asks, exasperated. 

"No," she manages to catch her breath, "Not this time." 

The girl introduces herself as Claire, and puts a hand over her heart. 

"Thank all goodness there is in this world," turning to me she says, "That joke is horrid. And it just gets worse every time." Claire shakes her head, affectionately punches Alexis, and returns to her seat. 

I've gotten used to these frequent visits from Alexis's friend. Despite being problematic, and a lot like me, she's quite friendly. Everyone likes her.  

"How do you do it?" I inquire, one day after yet another visit. 

"Do what?" she replies.

"Make all the friends, get everyone to like you?" I mutter, looking down as my cheeks start to turn red. 

"Oh, sweetie," she tends to call people sappy names when she feels sorry for them, "You let them."

I shrug and stutter out a thank you, but she just shush's me and hugs me. 

"Here, try it," she waves a couple people over, from their way to their table. 

"Hey Lex," a girl I recognize as Luna calls, "What's up?" 

"This is my friend Caia," she explains, "She's. . ." Alexis lowers her voice to a dramatic whisper, "Socially impaired." 

"Don't worry," Luna waves my apologies off, "Wren's the same way." I wave at a shy looking girl who blushes, and waves back.  

"See?" Alexis smiles, "Not so hard, is it?"

"No," I bite my lip, "I guess it's not."

A/N Did ya notice my cameo of Wren and Luna from Dark Enough? Also, The characters Anorexic Alexis and Claire are from my friend Llama_Luna 's book I Wish I could. Check them out, and thanks again guys! 


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