The rightful heir desire no uncomfortable throne

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Gendry liked the sound of metal hitting against each other. He liked the heat and sweat he got from smithing. He knew he was a bastard of the king. He heard it from his half-sister. Because of that he was allowed to enter the palace if he wanted to. But he himself didn't want too. Politics or a life in luxury didn't fit him. He wanted to keep smithing. His sister respected his choice and didn't bother to bring up this kind of topic ever again. However she did make sure that he would have at least a decent home. She said to him it was the least she could do for him. When he had asked her why she was so nice to him despite that he was a bastard, she answered that she helped him because he was her brother. And family should get along. And when he heard her call him brother his heart warmed up.

Now Gendry had married a decent girl and they lived together in a house that his sister had designed...

It was a house outside the city walls in the forest and had been built as a wedding present for him and his wife from his sister and biological father

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It was a house outside the city walls in the forest and had been built as a wedding present for him and his wife from his sister and biological father. Because it was a present from the royal family he couldn't refuse. Before he thought it was a pain since it stood out a lot and made him seem like a noble but now he liked it very much. The house had a smithing store which many merchants, nobles and normal people would pass by. And his wife had her flower business above his store. They had a very successful life which would soon be shared with a new family member. He could barely wait to see he/she soon. 

But because their house stood out a lot they would often encounter problem from bandits, robbers or other filthy people. However when they learned he was related to the princess every scumbag in Westeros stayed away from Gendry and his family. Only a person who has a death wish would try to hurt a member of her family.

And so his days were peaceful... or not that peaceful. Now he had to deal with ass-kissing-nobles who sent their sons to become his apprentices or their daughters to work for his wife, only to have the princess's favor. Excluding that he had a happy, decent and peaceful life.

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