Chapter 19

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Her brothers were off again, leaving her alone. Little Veena didn't understand why they got to go train with swords and she couldn't? She was just as good as they were. She hated being the baby.

"Veena, Precious, come here."

Frowning, the little princess walked over to her father.

He knelt down in front of her, "what's wrong?"

"I want to train, too. Why can't I?"

Her father smiled at her, "because you're special, Precious."

The little princess shook her head, "I don't want to be some princess who is always getting rescued. I want to be the one who does the rescuing."

"You'll never be one of those princess, Precious. You're too much like your mother to stay put and wait to be rescued."

The little princess smiled, "good."

"Want to come with me on a short trip?"

Little Veena thought for a moment and then nodded, "okay, Daddy."

Slowly, her father stood up and held out his hand, "take my hand. We'll go somewhere that your brothers can't."

That made her smile really big, as she took his hand, "Let's go."

Chapter 19

Adam, with Cringer by his side, frowned as he followed after Veena, as she lead them through the forest. The dwarf was a bit behind him. What had happened once they had left her inside the cottage? She had been really quiet since leaving it behind, which had him worried.

Veena slowed down a bit, and he walked up to her. Something was wrong, and he knew it.

"Ve, are you all right?"

She barely turned to face him, "yeah, just trying to figure out which way."

Adam frowned as he reached out and grabbed Veena's arm, "Veena, what's wrong?"

She stopped and looked at him over her shoulder. Adam could clearly see the tears she was fighting to hold back.


She shook her head, "it's nothing, I promise."

Adam turned her to face him fully, "it's not nothing."

She sighed, "I just can't believe that my father would watch over me and not actually talk to me."

"He has to have a reason. Ve, I know you're upset, but we need to get moving. Something feels off to me," Adam released her arm.

She nodded, "I feel it, too. I really don't know how to get out of here. I was just heading the opposite way from where we entered the clearing."

Adam frowned, "so we're lost?"

Veena shrugged, "I wouldn't say that, but I have no idea exactly where we're heading."

Hoggle walked up to them, "we're heading in roughly the right direction. We're just a tad too close to the Fire Gang and Bog for my liking."

Adam frowned at the dwarf, "what?"

"A group of creatures that'll try to take off your head, and the bog is a place you really don't want to go. Although, it might not be a bad idea to get Didymus."

Veena looked back at the dwarf, "who?"

"A friend. He is or was a Knight. I'm sure any more, but the Bog won't be fun at all."

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