Chapter 15

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The Hedge Maze wasn't any fun. It wouldn't listen to her, unlike the rest of the Labyrinth. She was the princess. It was supposed to do as she told it.

Holding a little sack, he little princess stood at an intersection within the maze. She was not very happy. It had been a few months since she had been here, but this time it wasn't because of her brothers. No, little Veena had come back because she was hiding.

Everyone was so busy they didn't have anytime for her. So she was running away, well at least in her mind. She had no problem getting to this point, but the stupid Hedge Maze wouldn't listen to her.

She had to get further. It was almost like the maze was trying to stall her, but she would get through the stupid maze.

Suddenly, she heard the screech of an owl. Little Veena stood frozen in place as a white golden barn owl flew over the top of the hedges and landed on one in front of her.

The owl looked at her for a moment, before flapping its wings and jumping down towards the ground. Of course, before it landed it transformed into her father.

He knelt down in front of her, "Precious, what are you doing out here?"

"I'm running away."

Her father frowned at her slightly, "you want to leave? Leave your brothers? Leave your mother? Leave me?"

She nodded after the first question, but couldn't for the others.

"So which is it? Do you want to leave or do you want to come with me on a little errand?"

The little princess thought it over for a bit before replying, "go with you."

Her father smiled, "well, then let's get going." He stood up and held out his hand. His daughter took it, and the two of them disappeared.

Chapter 15

The Hedge Maze seemed to be nearing its end. At least, it seemed that way to Veena. A wall of trees seemed to be getting closer. They would finally get out of the horrible maze. Well, they still had more of the Labyrinth to travel through.

Behind her, she could hear Hoggle mumbling. Adam hadn't really said anything since their tiny break. Cringer was staying close to her side. As the trees soon started to begin to towering over them, Veena began to relax a bit more.

"Will we be safer inside the forest?" Adam moved closer to Veena.

Hoggle shrugged as he walked along, "I don't know. Something big happened inside it months ago."

Veena frowned. She had been on Eternia for at least a year, but she doubted greatly that he was talking about what happened at the cottage she had grown up in. Veena still wasn't sure what happened. All she really remembered was running.

Adam frowned, "what happened?"

Hoggle shook his head, "no really knows. All we could see was a column of smoke."

Veena slowly began to slow down, causing the others to do spas well.

Adam walked up and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Ve, what's wrong?"

She turned and gave him a smile, she knew was weak, "I'm fine really."

Adam frowned at her,"Ve, what is it?"

"I'll tell you later. I promise."

Adam continued to frown at her as they walked forward. Evently, they reached a stone wall.

Veena turned to face the other the others, "okay, I think we can get out of the hedge maze now."

Hoggle nodded, "good. I was getting tired of this place."

Nodding, she turned back to the wall. Placing a hand on the wall, Veena closed her eyes. A few moments later, the wall split in half, revealing the trucks of the trees they had getting closer to. Veena moved her hand before it fully opened. Slowly, she opened her eyes and took a step forward into the glittering forest. The others followed soon after her.


The trees towered over them. It almost made him think of the Evergreen Forest. Well, if it was covered in glitter and not as green. Adam frowned as they began to make their way deeper into the forest. He was really beginning to worry about the glitter rubbing off on him.

Veena lead them through the tangled mess of roots and semi-paths. She was moving faster than she had before. It was like she actually knew her way around this place. He had to check on Hoggle every so often, to be sure he was keeping up. Cringe of course wasn't having any problems and still was keeping close to Veena.

The forest was suspiciously silent. Was there any wildlife here? The Evergreen Forest was teaming with life. It was never this quiet. It really made him uneasy.

Adam looked at Hoggle, "is it always this quiet?"

Hoggle looked over at him as he stepped over a root, "I think a lot of the creatures of the Labyrinth are staying away because of the Princess, but they are also starting to hide. Dusk is getting closer."

Adam nodded. From what little of the sky peaked through the branches of the trees, the sky had turned amber and pink. "What is so dangerous at night?"

Hoggle sighed, "it borders on the thing the King stopped me from talking about, but I think he would want you to know about the Minotaur."


Hoggle nodded, "it's a creature of the Labyrinth. So the King has no control over it."

"Then why is it here?"

Veena turned slightly to him, "because something is wrong. It's that simple, Adam."

Adam slowly nodded as Veena turned back around.

That still didn't answer the question. Why would what ever was going on allow this thing here.

Veena sighed and turned her head towards him, "it's like if the magic that protected Greyskull wasn't working right and an agent of Skeletor got in."

"So this place is like Gray skull?"

Veena nodded as she turned head back, "yeah. The magic is off. So things are able to enter the Labyrinth that shouldn't be able to.'

Hoggle nodded in agreement, "your father had the army try to keep it out, but that failed. Mostly the army's job is now to try and keep it cornered in one corner of the Labyrinth away from as many creatures as possible."

Things were horrible here. Now he understood why Veena had been sent to Eternia to recover. It was almost like this place was dyeing.

Suddenly, Veena began to slow down.

Adam frowned as Veena stopped causing them all to stop, "Ve, what is it?"

She turned to face him and Hoggle, "I know this path. We might have a place to hid during the night."


She only turned around and began walking again. Adam turned to Hoggle as they continued once again behind her.

What was gong on? What wasn't she telling him? Frowning, he continued to follow after her.

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