Chapter 1

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ain, The pain was the first thing she realized as she slowly regained consciousness. Why did her head hurt so much? Vaguely, she could hear two voices. A woman's voice she had never heard before, but the other one she knew, but couldn't place. She tried to open her eyes, but the pain was just too great. No, she would lay still. That helped it not to hurt as much.

"As much as I want her to remain here with me. She can't." She heard the voice she knew speak. "I can not put her in danger. She's all I have." Wait she knew that voice. It was her father.

She heard the sound of fabric moving. "Jareth, don't do this to yourself. She will find them I have seen it."

"She won't remember them. She won't remember." Her father sounded sad. Why was he sad? Wasn't she alright? Well, her head really did hurt.

"She will in time. I have seen it. Do not give up hope." What was it she seemed to have forgotten? She didn't have much time to think about it as darkness once again claimed her.

Chapter 1

Veena Ri finally opened her blue eyes to find herself laying in a pale blue canopied bed inside a stone room. Slowly, she sat up in the lovely bed and looked around the room. There was a wall with two decent sized windows. Across from that wall, there was a dark wood door. A side table stood to her right, and a chest of drawers stood against the wall opposite of the bed. The only color in the stone grey room was the blue fabric of the canopy and bedspread, well except for the dark wood of the door, bed, chest of drawers, and side table.

Where was she? The last thing she remembered was she had been running, but she couldn't remember from what. She rubbed her hand into her mass of dark brown hair. That wasn't a good sign, at least she thought it wasn't.

The door opened and in walked, or rather floated, a woman in Egyptian themed clothing with feathered wings. Stopping just inside the room, she smiled at Veena. "Ah, you are awake, Your Highness. Good."

Your Highness? She wasn't royalty. If she was would she have grown up in a cottage in the forest? Veena frowned as she placed a hand on her forehead. "Where am I?" This sure wasn't her room in the cottage.

"You are in Castle Grayskull." The woman stopped beside the bed and placed a hand next to Veena.

Veena nodded slowly as she lowered her hand. She hadn't heard the name before. It wasn't any of the local kingdoms or their castles. Well, the only local kingdom to the cottage had been The Goblin Kingdom. "Okay. Where's that?"

"Eternia. You are no longer in the Underground, Your Highness." The woman sighed and moved her hand off of the bed. "First, allow me to introduce myself. I am known as the Sorceress." The Sorceress then moved over towards the windows on the far wall.

"Well, you seem to know who I am. Really, it's just Veena." Veena tried to smile, but she just couldn't get the energy. "Why am I here, anyway?"

The Sorceress turned from the windows and gave Veena smile. "Your father has asked me to train you in magic."

"Magic? I don't have any magic powers." Veena began shaking her head. Why would he want to have anything to do her? She haven't actually seen him in years. How dare her absentee father try to dictate her life? But what about this Highness thing? Could she really be a princess? If she was one, then why had she never been treated as one before?

Moving to Veena's side, the Sorceress sighed. "Yes, you do. I can feel it even now. You just don't know how to use it on demand. Your father asked me to teach There is an ancient alliance between our families. So I am more than willing to do as he asked."

"Ancient alliance?" Veena frowned. What was she talking about? As far as she knew her family wasn't anything much.

The Sorceress frowned. "I was not supposed to mention it, actually." After a moment, she smiled at Veena. "You need to recover before we begin your lessons. Now, how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine but I'm really tired." Veena frowned for a moment. "How did I get here anyway? The last thing I remember, I was running from something." Her head started to hurt a bit as she tried to remember, but she didn't know it. The Sorceress was already worried about her. A headache wasn't something to be worried about. Veena had been dealing with them for as far back as she could remember.

The Sorceress moved closer to her. "Your father brought you here injured. I have been waiting for you to wake up, since he left yesterday."

Veena nodded, "Thanks." Well, that explained why she was so tired. She was always tired for awhile after getting hurt, but this wasn't like the other times.

The Sorceress smiled at her. "You are very welcome." Sighing, she glanced out the window. "I will give you a few more days to rest. You need it." She turned away from Veena and whispered, "hopefully, Skeletor will allow it."

Veena decided not to pay much attention to what she said. Who ever this Skeletor was, it seemed he wasn't an ally of the Sorceress.

The Sorceress gently took hold of Veena's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Relax and rest, I will return to check on you later." She released Veena's hand and then floated back out the door, which shut softly behind her.

Veena settled back against the headboard. Who would think that a normal day could become so odd? All she was sure of was there had been a golden white owl flying ahead of her before the darkness had claimed her. The same owl that had been her friend for years. Or could it be the cause of all this? No, she had been running from something. Something she was absolutely sure that meant her harm. But why would someone want to her hurt her? Did it have to do with this whole she was a princess thing? Which she still wasn't sure she believed.

Veena closed her eyes and soon sleep over came her. She never noticed the owl with mismatched blue eyes watching her from the darkened corner.


The Sorceress sat on top of the golden pyramid in the throne room. Why had the Goblin King not revealed himself to his daughter? Had he truly not paid her a visit for years? True, she had not raised her own daughter, but she had watched over her. Teela's life was exactly what her mother had wished for it. She was loved. What else could she ask of Duncan?

The Sorceress shook her head. Oh, how she wished to tell the Princess why exactly she needed to learn how to use her powers. But the Goblin King had said he wished to be the one who explained it to her.

No doubt Veena felt lost, or something close to it. Well, maybe not. The poor child only had so much of her memory. Of course, the Goblin King did not know what she had seen in her vision. Yes, his daughter was powerful, but Veena would not be able to do as her father wished alone.

Sighing, she conjured up a viewing portal before her. Soon an image of a young blond man talking to an older man in heavy armor came into view.

The Sorceress needed to introduce Veena to Prince Adam and soon. The Goblin King did not know that not only did the Labyrinth hang in the balance but so did Eternia, because if Veena were to fail Eternia would loose its protector.

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