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If he had thought about how he would die, this wouldn't have been it. Who would want to die in a cage?

He still wasn't quite sure how he ended up in his position. He couldn't even remember doing what they claimed. Ha, he couldn't remember much of his childhood for that matter.

Sighing, he held onto the iron bars of his cage. This was not an end fit for him. It was almost as if someone was trying to kill him.

Madmartigan watched as a hawk flew past him. At least, it wasn't another vulture waiting to pick the meat off his bones.

Wait. Why would a hawk be anywhere near here? He turned to try and catch another glimpse, but the bird was long gone.

Settling as best he could in the tiny cage, Madmartigan shook his head. Had the bird truly been there or because of the lack of food and drink his mind was playing tricks on him.

He could almost hear voices, but of course, there wasn't anyone else here but the Skeletons to remind him what he was to become.

Madmartigan help is coming.


The day had finally arrived. Veena was torn as she slowly dressed. After weeks of recovery, her father was finally strong enough to return to the Labyrinth. It was time for her to return and learn how to use her new magic.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror before her, Veena frowned. Not too long ago, she hadn't know who she was, now she did.

She was who she had always been... The Goblin Princess.

The Goblin PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now