Chapter 30

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Little Veena looked over at her twin. "Run!"

The twins raced away from the shattered vase. They didn't make it far before someone in armor stood in their way.

"Hold on you two. What's the problem?"

The twins stood breathing heavily, looking at each other.

"What did you two break?"

Little Veena looked up at him. "We haven't done anything."

"Uh huh. Your Highness, I know whatever it was an accident."

She hung her head. "A vase in the Library." "Which vase?"

He tilted his head slightly to one side.

"They all look the same to me, Captain." Fenris frowned.

The captain sighed. "All right, take me to the scene. Maybe we can repair the damage."

Little Veena shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Remember things aren't always what they seem." He held his hands out to the two small royals. "Come along. At least, you can apologize to your parents."

With hanging heads, the small royals took hold of his hands, and the three of them walked back to the Library.

Chapter 30

Captain Emeric frowned. "I don't believe you're the entire reason, Your Highness."

He-man nodded. "She must have been told about what's hidden inside Grayskull."

Emeric raised an eyebrow slightly as he turned to the taller man. "What's inside that Castle? It does look familiar though." His eyes widen slightly. "Wait. Is that King Grayskull's castle?"

"Yes, it is." No matter who he was, he couldn't reveal the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

Shaking his head, Emeric looked at the ground. "I was home and didn't even realize it."

Veena frowned as she shared a glance with He-man. "Home?"

"My family lived not too far from this castle. My brother was friends with King Grayskull, actually. I can't believe I came home and didn't even know."

"I'm sorry to say but King Grayskull died centuries ago. So more than likely your family may be long gone as well." Duncan took a step closer to the Labyrinthian Captain.

"I figured that. I knew the risk when I choose to leave with King Jareth." He took a deep breath. "Do you think there might be a record I may look at?"

He-man nodded. "I'll speak with Prince Adam. He should help pull some strings."

"Thank you."

"Captain, what do you mean you followed my father?" Veena tilted her head slightly.

"That is a story your father and mother when we find her are best to tell."

Duncan looked at Skeleton and Evil-lyn. "What are we going to do about them?"

He-man frowned. "We need to stop them from continuing."

Veena nodded. "Agreed."

"Veena, you and He-man take Battle-cat and go deal with those two. The Masters and both armies to draw their troops away."

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