Chapter 24

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Little Veena stood on the stairs leading up to the Castle, looking up at her father. She hadn't done anything really bad. Not like her brothers. She could tell him everything she had on them. From the time they dropped eggs onto the maid or the time they threw dye into the wash and ruined most of their clothes.

Compared to them the little tiny thing she had done was nothing. Of course, he didn't know that.


"Yes, Daddy?"

"Care to explain why you kicked the goblin off the wall?"

"He called me names."

"What did he call you?"

She didn't answer.


Sighing, the little princess frowned. "He said your mother's an aardvark."

Now her father frowned. "Did he recognize you?"

She shook her head. "No, Daddy. At least, I don't think so."

Shaking his head, her father sighed. "Get inside."

Little Veena nodded, before racing up the stairs and into the Castle.

Chapter 24

The dark dusty Goblin City was completely different from the bright shiny city of Eternos. It now seemed that the goblins were more inclined to hide inside their homes than stand outside threatening people. Veena couldn't see a single one as they walked through the streets towards the towering castle.

The Castle was lighter in color and actually seemed to glow faintly in the sunlight, unlike the city surrounding it.

Her father began to climb the stairs leading up to the Castle with the others behind except for her and Adam, but when Veena reached the bottom, she stopped.

Adam stopped beside her. "What's wrong?"

She turned slight towards him. "I'm not sure I can do this."

Glancing ahead of them, he frowned at her. "You've come this far. Why stop now?"

Frowning, Veena shook her head. "I'm not sure I can handle this. Things are happening so fast."

Adam gave her a smile. "You aren't alone. I'm here for you. Ve, you can do this."

Veena sighed. "It's not that exactly. I just feel so overwhelmed."

Nodding, Adam glanced up the stairs again. "I'm not saying you aren't, but Ve, this is why you've been training all these months."

"I know." Why was she so scared? It was as if her body just wouldn't listen. In truth, she wasn't sure she wanted to go forward and learn what it seemed she had forgotten.

Her father stopped at the top of the stairs, causing the other four to as well.

Slowly he turned around. "Veena, what is it?"

She looked up at him. Suddenly she felt very small. A faded memory flashed before her eyes, and then it was gone as quickly as it had come. Shaking her head, she frowned. The memories needed to stop fading away as soon as they came to her. She wanted to keep them. Not loose them again.

"Ve, what's wrong?" Adam placed a hand on her right shoulder.

Veena shook her head again. "Just a memory that disappeared as soon as I remembered it."

Frowning, Adam nodded.

Her father walked down to her, frowning. "Your memories again?"

Veena only gave a slow nod.

He nodded in return. "I had hoped more of them had returned." Sighing, he looked up at the Castle's entrance. "It doesn't matter at the moment. We have much to talk about once we get inside."

Her father looked at Adam. "Please escort her inside when she's ready, Prince Adam."

Adam nodded. "It would be my pleasure, Your Majesty."

He glared at him but said nothing as he turned and walked back up the stairs.

Veena watched as he leads the group near the entrance inside the Castle.

"Ah, Ve, what was that about?"

Veena hit his shoulder. "You had to say it like that?"

Adam blushed slightly.

"Yeah. Choose your words carefully. I don't want you causing some misunderstanding or something."

Adam gave her a slight nod. "Guess that came out wrong."

Sighing, Veena closed her eyes. She wanted her memories back, but could she deal with the rest.

"Ve, I'm here if you need me. You only have to ask."

Opening her eyes, she smiled. "I know and thanks." Taking a deep breath, she placed a foot on the next step. "Well, we better get this over with."

Slowly the duo made their way up to the entrance but stopped just before entering.


The inside of the Castle was just as shabby and dirty as the City had been. He wasn't going to say anything about the Goblin City nor the Castle. This was after all Veena's home.

Of course, Veena had mentioned that something was wrong. The Kingdom had looked different than it did from what memories she could remember.

Adam glanced around him as he and Veena walked down a long corridor.

"Ve, I'm beginning to think we're lost."

Veena frowned. "I hate to say it, but I think you're right."

Looking around, Adam frowned. "I think it's another labyrinth."

Veena shook her. "Not really. At least, I don't remember it like that." She stopped walking. "Why can't I remember?"

Adam stopped and turned towards her. "It's not your fault."

"No, it's mine."

The pair turned to face the Goblin King.

"Follow me. Only the two of you need to know why things are the way they are." He turned and began to walk away.

They looked at each other, then quickly followed after him.

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