Chapter 35

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The study of the Goblin King felt very confining, and it wasn't because of the room itself.

"She can't be allowed to continue with this, Jareth!" A beautiful woman with auburn hair paced in front of the large desk.

"I know, Veena. Please keep your voice down. My daughter's asleep on the sofa."

Unknown to him, the tiny princess had awoken and was watching the scene as best she could, while pretending to be asleep.

The woman frowned. "Sorry. That woman needs to be dealt with."

Her father stood up and walked around his desk. "I'm doing what I can, but I have to be careful."

Veena sighed. "I know." She wiped a tear off her cheek. "I still can't believe she aided him."

"I'm truly sorry. If I could do more you know I would."

Slowly, she turned towards him. "I have a request, but Sarah might not agree to it."

"I'll hear you out, and bring it up to her."

The woman nodded. "You might not agree either, but what I propose is..."

The tiny princess dosed off again. She never did learn what the woman, who shared her name, had asked of her father.

Chapter 35

Standing in front of the massive crystal, her fractured reflection looking back at Veena. What did the Sorceress mean by she had made a promise to never touch this crystal? Were the powers held within too powerful for one person to hold?

The crystal before her crackled with what seemed to be electricity. This still didn't sound like a good idea. Why was the Sorceress so determined for her to do this?

Slowly Veena raised her hand and began reaching towards the crystal. Could she accept the consequences of doing this? She pulled her outstretched hand back.

The Goblin PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now