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Morning has come, and with it, a letter of permission from Central Fourty-Six.

The men from yesterday have lessened in number. The third man, who'd introduced himself then as Inari, comes to wake us, and escort us through the Seireitei to a place called the Nest of Maggot's. But before that...

"U-Um... what is all of this?" I ask, gesturing to the bundles that have been placed on the floor in front of me.

"Gifts, left to you by Lady Kayanara," Inari says. "There are more in the storage room on the other side of the manor."

"There's so many!" Shōri exclaims. She immediately drops to her knees in front of the nearest package and pulls it onto her lap. Shōri tears at the wrapping, and a long piece of peach-coloured fabric falls into her lap.

"Ah, that would be for you, Miss Shōri," Inari says. "Your mother knew it was--"

"My favourite colour," she whispers. "Can I wear it?"

"Of course."

Shōri runs off to the other end of the room, slides open the next door, and disappears behind it. Inari decides to sift through the other packages, and picks one up one from the pile.

"This one, I believe, is yours," he says. "I can tell by the wrapping."

"Alright, then; hand it over," I say, reaching for it. I take it from his outstretched hands and pull at the white ribbon tied around it. A violet robe slips out and into my hands. Accented in black, I am physically drawn to this piece of cloth.

"Keep in mind, Lady Abaron, that once Lady Kayanara's execution takes place, you will be the next leader of the clan."

The robe slips from my hands.

"Pardon me? Next leader?" I scoff. "I never agreed to anything of the sort!"

"I implore you, milady, please lower your voice," Inari hisses. "I do not wish to impose something like this upon you, but only someone of Lady Kayanara's blood may carry on her duties."

"But I don't want anything to do with her, Inari," I say. "It's hard enough to just be in the manor without wanting to just... burn everything down... knowing she built it and had her hands all over it..."

"And I understand how you feel, milady, but this is more than just about your mother. This is about the Soul Society."

"And how does that work out, exactly?" I ask. Inari sighs and crouches down before the gifts, stacking in them in separate piles, most likely according to their directed receiver.

"There are currently three noble families in the Soul Society, all of which carry the greatest weight. The Kuchiki family are the guardians of our history. The Shihōin family are the guardians of a divine tool known as the Tenshiheisō, as well as the leaders of the Onmitsukidō. The Tsunayashiro family record the Soul Society's history. And the Kaoku family are tasked with watching over the people of the Soul Society, souls and Soul Reapers, alike.

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