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Somehow, is right.

As I'd expected, the qualifications to enter the Shinōreijutsuin - the Spiritual Arts Academy - are quite... expectant. It is exceedingly difficult to focus my spiritual energy. It's problematic that whenever I don't mean to focus it, it shows up, but when I do, it's like playing a game of hide and seek.

"This is getting ridiculous," I growl, my teeth clenched together from the strain put on my body.

"You're not focusing," Inari calls from across the room. We've taken up the hall beneath the servants' quarters to practice. As I'd mentioned, it takes certain qualifications to be able to apply to the Academy, one of them being the ability to demonstrate that we have spiritual energy. As a descendant of nobility, I'd been told it should be a piece of cake.


"I am focusing!" I shout back, and with that flare of emotion, a purple ball of light flickers between my hands. "Oh!"

"Hm..." Inari puts a hand on his chin. "... Maybe instead of focusing your reiatsu, you need to focus your feelings. I've noticed a hike in your spiritual energy each time you've gotten angry or frustrated."

"So what, you're saying that I've got to be miserable all the time in order to be a Soul Reaper?" I say. "Great. Can do."

Inari sighs. "No, milady," he says. "It's completely the opposite. When you get emotional, your reiatsu hikes, and then it is as if it's blocked off again. If you manage to control yourself, you should be able to have it take form quite easily. If you can manage this, controlling your reiatsu should be easy. I recommend meditation."

"Meditation, huh?"

Maybe he's right, I think. I have been pretty worked up lately, so maybe I do need to control myself. So I take a seat on the floor, listening to Inari's guidance. It's incredibly boring, and I have an unpleasant itch on my arm that I wish to satisfy, but it disappears when a large ball of violet light solidifies in my cupped hands.

"I've done it!" I cheer, leaping up from the ground. I am ecstatic. At will, I lessen the amount of reiatsu in my hands, and then have it grow to the size of my head. "I'm truly doing it!"

"Yes, milady," Inari says. "With this, you'll be able to take the entrance exam for the Shinōreijutsuin. If you don't mind me asking, however... Why does milady wish to enter the Academy in the first place?"

I look to him, and wave away my spiritual energy.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Inari shakes his head. "I need to prove to my mother than I'm better than her in every way. My goal is to become not only the head of this clan, but a Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads." I sigh. "I may have only been here for half of a month, but I don't plan on being the only clan head who isn't a Soul Reaper."

"I see. Then I do recommend you get on your way to the Seireitei to enroll. Do you wish to ride in your sedan chair?"

"No," I say. "I'd like to walk. Unaccompanied," I quickly add. "It's always so uncomfortable walking with everyone."

"I understand, milady," Inari says. "Do be careful on your travels."

"I will, thank you." With this, Inari leaves. I can't contain myself from jumping around in a circle, the balls of my feet hitting the cold wooden floor.

I'm really going to become a Soul Reaper!

Updated October 10th, 2022 | 630 words

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