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 ᶠᵃˡˡ ᶦⁿ ˡᵒᵛᵉ!

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... ᶠᵃˡˡ ᶦⁿ ˡᵒᵛᵉ!

I honestly didn't expect such a silent reaction from Captain Ukitake. If he'd read my report and truly heard what I'd told him, he would understand that ... it's a necessary evil. Yet he says nothing. Or maybe it's that he agrees with me.

I ... I don't want to kill Kugo. I don't want to kill anyone.

"... Captain? I understand that ... what I asked is kind of horrible ... but time really is an important factor here. If I'm right, then Kugo needs to be stopped before anymore Soul Reapers get killed. "

"I know," he says. "It's wrong of us to even make such a suggestion, but--"

"Us?" I repeat. "You ... do agree with me?"

"I do," he says, sounding less than thrilled. "I don't condone violence. Even as a Captain, whose job is to fight and protect, the last thing I wish to have to do is condone the assassination of a human. But his death goes hand in hand with my job as a Captain. The protection of our men comes first. And if what you are saying is true, Abaron, our men are at risk. I'll speak to the Head Captain of this matter. We can't go ahead without repercussions if we don 't have the permission of Central Fourty-Six.

"I'll have someone create a copy of your report to send to them immediately," he tells me. "Something like this shouldn't wait to be handled any longer."

"R-Right," I nod.

"In the meantime, Abaron, try not to think to much on this, on whether it's right or wrong. It won't do you any good when the time comes. And let's keep things quiet until I can speak with Central Fourty-Six on the matter. "

I sigh deeply. "Yes, Captain. I'll ... try."


The door to my room slides open with a bang, no warning, no introductions or pardons, and Inari's anxiety wafts in like the Great Wave of Kanagawa. It's definitely understandable why. I've been throwing whatever breakable objects I owned across the room for the past ten minutes. He and the others must've thought I was being attacked or kidnapped or something.

"Get out, Inari, I'm fine," I say, and proceed to whip a large terracotta pot out at my balcony. It shatters loudly, and I hear several screams from the floor below.

"Clearly not, milady," Inari says, over the sound of me now dragging an even larger pot across the floor of my room to the edge of the balcony. I think he's realized what I'd planned, and in a mere second, he's behind me to restrain me from lifting it over the banister and dropping it below. "Milady !!"

"Inari, let go of me!" I shout, fighting against his ridiculous bearhold around me. But with my arms pinned at my side, there's not much I can do except flail in his grip. Besides that ... I'm honestly too mentally exhausted to seriously try.

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