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The Spiritual Arts Academy.

It is as I'd expect it to appear. Large in stature, with at least four floors. From where I stand amongst the sea of already-enrolled students, clad in white kosode, and blue or red hakama, the windows look small, but I know they're at least my height.

"Amazing," I breathe. "Truly amazing."

And on the inside, even more so. After having passed through the final set of gates, I'd entered a large foyer, its ceiling even taller than the Kaoku Clan manor. Golden columns hold up the ceiling, with white drapes pinned between them for added decor. A wide set of steps led to two separate hallways. As curious as I am, neither halls led to where I wish to go.

Straight ahead leads to an inner courtyard. I had been informed before my arrival that this month's entrance exam will take place there.

I quickly rush toward it, gathering up my kimono in my hands before breaking into a sprint. As I soon learn (I'd tripped over the threshold of the entrance and landed several feet into the courtyard), running in geta-- not the smartest decision of mine.

The courtyard, filled with dozens of potential entrants, instantaneously erupts into racious laughter, and I flush, having humiliated myself.

"Excellent!" a loud voice shouts. "The final entrant is here. Take your place along line five, Miss Kaoku. Just because you're a noble, that doesn't give way to being tardy; please keep that in mind for future reference."

"Y-Yes!" I yell back from the ground.

""Yes, Sir!"
" "Yes, Sir!"

I quickly stand, and hide myself within the large group, standing along the fifth from the front's chalked-on lines. Being called "Miss" instead of "Lady" or "Milady" is a nice change.

"Before we begin," the same voice says. I can't see who it is over the shoulders and heads of the other entrants, and I silently curse my height-- or, my lack, thereof.

"Now, we will begin this years' exam. Keep in mind that in order to become eligible to receive Soul Reaper status, you will be placed under several tests, trials, and examinations."

I feel my body begin to heat up. Trials? Examinations?! This isn't what Inari had told me would happen! I'm so unprepared... I thought I'd only have to prove I have my own spiritual energy?

"Don't get your panties in a twist," an amused voice whispers from my right. Finding myself growing even warmer than I'd already been, I shoot a look at the long, blond-haired man at my side.

"That's disgusting," I hiss back at him. "Don't assume something so vulgar."

"It's just an expression," he grumbles. "Man, you nobles really are high-strung."

"And just who are you to make such assumptions?"

"Does it really matter?" he says. I feel the one corner of my lip raise.

"I would like to know the name of the man I now plan on beating in becoming a Soul Reaper first," I muse. "At a glance, you don't seem all that strong, so you should be an easy rival."

The man chuckles. ""And just who are you to make such assumptions?""

With a scowl, I look around the other entrants to make sure the examinators are out of sight before extending my hand to him.

"I am Abaron Kakaku," I say. The man takes it and grins, incidentally exposing his upper teeth.

"The name's Shinji Hirako. And you're on."

Updated October 10th, 2022 | 612 words

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