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When I'd said time passes quickly in the Soul Society, I'd never been more right. The six months that'd just passed went by even faster than I'd expected. Over half of my first year at the Academy has gone by. Now, we're in our second term. I only wish I could say it's been easy, but our instructors have certainly packed in as much content into our classes as humanly possible.

Between our sparring matches in Zanjutsu on every Wednesday and Friday, and in Hakuda on Tuesday and Thursday, and our Kidō strengthening lessons and Soul Reaper theory every Tuesday and Friday afternoon, and our Hohō technique class on Monday morning, followed by an evening in a segregated point in the World of the Living to fight against mock Hollows—I just can't seem to catch a break, anywhere. Not even at the manor.

Word has gotten out to both Kusajishi and Zaraki that the late Kayanara Kaoku's daughter has inherited her Zanpakutō. Of course, that is thanks to me. I'd decided that letting slip this little fact might just keep the waters calm, if only for a little while. But recently, about three weeks ago recent, I'd received word of activity. They must've strengthened their forces. I am still unable to summon my Shikai. They now know this, too. But I know I'm close. However, I fear the worst, that my unpreparedness may lead to a mass loss of life. I just can't let that happen.

"Miss Abaron!"

I stop walking, and whirl around to see one of the other students running toward me, waving a piece of paper high above their head.

"Yes?" I say once they've stopped before me. Panting, she hands me the paper.

"I was told to give this to you," she says. "It's from Head Captain Yamamoto!"

I sigh heavily. "What could he possibly want, of all times," I mumble, suddenly stricken with palpitations. "Thank you for bringing this," I say to her.

"O-Oh, you're welcome," she says, and walks off. I watch her turn the before releasing the seal on the tag. Unfolding it, I immediately grimace at the message.



My classes pass quickly, much to my frustration. An instant sense of dread falls over me when the bell in the center of the inner courtyard is struck, signaling the end of another day. At least, I'm at the top of most of my classes; thanks to Shinji, I'm only second-best. At this rate, Shinji will win our bet. And that can't happen.

The Head Captain's letter has me wondering— "it's time"? For what? More training? Because if that's all, I'd already been aware of our lesson for today. My heart is pounding, beating rapidly against my chest once I've arrived at the First Division entrance. As usual, the same gatekeepers greet me and open the door. I quickly shuffle inside, unintentionally stomping down the hall toward the Head Captain's chamber. One of his doors is already open when I get there, which can only mean he wants to make this quick. And I'm all right with this.

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