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Two days later, we had been informed that our results of our entrance exams are to be released at the end of the two-month break. The way things had gone, I'm sure I'll get high marks. Inari seems to have confidence in me; when he asked what the exam entailed and I'd explained, he seemed very confident of my results, as well. Two months later, I still continued to wonder: will I be placed in the Advanced group? Most likely. According to him, I'd be right to assume so.

Tanuma has invited me over to the Kuchiki Manor. Why, I have no idea, considering I had just seen both him and his brother yesterday evening for Sōjun's wife's funeral gathering. Having married into the clan, it had been a big affair. Naturally, the guilt of the matter still eats at me as they days go by. I'd attended the procession well over a month ago, and nothing has changed.

Yin is insistent on me dressing to impress. Supposedly, Sir Ginrei Kuchiki is rumoured to be present in the Manor today, and as a high standing figure in the Soul Society, he is definitely not someone you'd want to lose as a potential ally.

So now here I currently am, lost in an argument with Yin and Inari over today's outfit. Yin is determined to have me pull out all the stops and dress in an old garment belonging to my mother. Inari sides with me and tries to convince Yin to allow me in my own choice of clothes.

"Listen, you two, this isn't a fashion show," I manage to fit in amongst their arguing. "I'm not particularly concerned with my choice of clothes."

"You should be!" Yin exclaims, and she smacks my hands.


"You must uphold the image of the Kaoku Clan; there is no time for sloppiness, Lady Abaron, and surely, no slacking off!"

"And I get that!" I yell back. "But I'm only going there for a few hours, and I have no interest in taking the same amount of time to get ready! So I'm wearing my violet kimono and gold obi. If it's really that important to you, I'll ride in my sedan chair, but that's the extent of it."

Yin sighs deeply. "Very well, milady... I'll have the serfs prepare them for you."

"Thank you, Yin, Inari. You may leave."

"Yes, milady." "Yes, Lady Abaron."

The door reopens just as soon as it closes, and I'm caught mid-yawn by one of the serfs.

"What's with the intrusion?" I demand of her, and she bows before me. "H-Hey--"

"Forgive me, milady!" she cries. "But I have an urgent message for you from the Head Captain!"

"The Head Captain?" I repeat, incredulous.

"Yes, milady. He requests your presence this evening in the Squad One barracks."

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