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The two days leading up to the meeting with the other clans pass quickly.

Shōri had gotten off lucky right from the start. The woman she had been entrusted to had her perform quite the switch. The soft-hearted Shōri exists no longer. Now, she contains any excitement or disappointment she feels. During the first day, I noticed it slip out, but now, it surprises me whenever I hear her speak.

"Abaron, are you ready?"

I jump at the voice. Speak of the devil, I think nervously. I turn from the vanity to see Shōri standing between the two open doors.

"Yes, I'll just be a moment," I reply.

I won't admit this to anyone but myself... The etiquette lessons might've helped in terms of teaching me to tie a belt properly, because the difficulty I'm having is absolutely ridiculous.

"Would you like some help?"

I jump up in my seat, furiously scanning about the room. Where did that voice come from?

"Shōri?" I call. But there is no reply. I undo the knot in my belt and simply rewrap and tuck the ends away. "Who's there? Reveal yourself."

"Do not be lazy. You will be in the presence of nobility soon."

"No games," I hiss. "Where and who are you?"

But then it hits me.

"The same voices from earlier... The ones from my dream?

"That's right!"

"What do you want?" I demand. "Who the hell are you?"

"Now is not the time for questions. You must go, now."


"Abaron, we're leaving."

I jump once more, this time, off of the floor, at the sound of Shōri's voice. I see her shadow through the door.

"Alright, I'm coming," I call. I hear her footsteps fade off through the house. I turn on my foot, looking about my room. "Show yourself!" I hiss. "Hey!"

There is no reply. I scowl, and go to leave my room. But before I shut the door behind me, I notice that my obi has been tied properly.


Unlike the previous years where new heads of the Kuchiki Clan and the Shihōin Clan would come to the Kaoku manor and be introduced to my mother, it is now required that Shōri and I visit each of their compounds individually. To make lasting impressions, the plan is that Shōri will first visit the Shihōin compound, and at the same time, I will be visiting the Kuchiki manor.

Before leaving, I had requested the old woman, Yin, to accompany me to the Kuchiki manor, to prove to her of my human nobility.

Apparently, the Kuchiki Clan is full of high-class nobles, as expected of the clan tasked to protect the Soul Society's history. It would be ideal to imagine the current clan head is a distinguished member of the Soul Society...


"I... I don't... What on earth?"

I was expecting a formal reception, to be greeted by the Kuchiki elders as Yin had explained to me that they would, and to take part in traditional tea and koi-viewing ceremonies.

"Welcome, my lady."

"Oh my goodness."

Drunk men and sake; large, sweaty men in white underwear, wrestling with each other-- whatever this is, it does not resemble a reception of any kind. It's a full-blown party, but it is not without it disparaged guests. The Kuchiki elders stand huddled together, away from everything that isn't traditional.

Something tells me they regret having chosen this tall, long-haired, exuberant clan head. Or maybe, they weren't the ones to have done so in the first place.

"Welcome, my lady," he repeats. As he approaches me, I notice he wears the same white haori as the Captains. "I am Tanuma, the Twenty-Sixth Head of the Kuchiki Clan and the Captain of the Sixth Division in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my lord," I reply easily, bowing to him. I'm sure Yin doesn't miss the look I send back at her when Tanuma smiles drunkenly at me. "Pardon me for my suggestion, but I must say, I was expecting more of a... well, more of a ceremony of sorts..."

"Typically, a ceremony is our traditional welcome to the newly appointed clan heads," Tanuma explains. "But I don't drink tea, and I hate the smell of fish."

I grin maliciously.

I can tell I'll be getting along quite well with this Tanuma.

Updated October 10th, 2022 | 766 words

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