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The sensation still remains, however. Because I know it happened, I can't get rid of the feeling of the freezing metal that had stuck me. In more ways than one, I feel... different. I can't quite explain the difference, either. The dream, it... it was just so real.

I make a fist, and watch my fingers uncurl from my palm. The tips of them are tingling, and at first I think it's because I had been sleeping on them. No such luck, I think, when all of a sudden, a violet light surrounds my hand. I let out a yelp from my place on the floor, and jump to my feet. I can hear hastened footsteps coming my way from down the hall, and I struggle to keep my panic in check. 

I've had quite enough excitement for one week. 

My bedroom door slides open with a bang, having slammed up against the frame, and in rushes in Inari and two other manor attendants.

"Milady, what's the matter?" Inari asks me hurriedly. 

"This!" I cry, thrusting my hand out to him. "What the hell is happening, Inari?!"

He shares a look of relief to the attendants behind him before nodding. With a synchronized bow, they leave, sliding the door shut behind them. Inari strides over to where I stand, my hand extended to him.

"Milady, this is nothing to be concerned over," he says reassuringly, taking my hand in his. "You are not in any danger. This is spiritual energy. Your spiritual energy."

So then... last night really wasn't a dream, I think, before deflating.

"I must confide in you something, Inari," I whisper, my eyes stuck on my spiritual energy. He nods. "Last night I was visited by my mother's Zanpakutō, Bōkyaku."

"Nōten Bōkyaku?" Inari says, surprised. "How on earth could that be? When a Soul Reaper dies or is killed, the Zanpakutō follows."

"Yes, well, this clearly isn't the case," I point out, irritable. "Bō-- er, Nōten Bōkyaku, um... They transferred their spiritual power to me and called me a... a Soul Reaper."

Inari sighs. "I see," he says. "It would appear that your mother truly is trying to craft you."

"How do you mean?" I ask.

"Becoming the Head of the Kaoku Clan, passing Nōten Bōkyaku onto you, therefore forced into the position of a Soul Reaper... I dare say she plans on having you become a Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads."

"Like hell," I spit. "Next, I assume she'll want me to grow out my hair, and have it coloured blonde..."

"Yes, I suppose if I were in your position, I would resent my mother for this attempt, too," Inari admits. "However, it isn't like you have much choice in the matter. Your initiation into the Kaoku Clan as its new leader does not leave you much room for personal desires."

"I know that, okay?!" I shout, unable to stop myself. Inari shows no sign of surprise. "I know that. But I'm still just... a child. I'm not ready to handle all of these things. I'm not ready to sacrifice my freedom, for my mother, of all people."

I turn away from him, stalk over to the balcony, and take a deep breath.

"I've already sacrificed my life for her... what else can she possibly want to take from me?"

"Your soul?" Inari offers after a moment. I look back at him, the silence becoming almost deafening in the room. "If you are well enough, milady, breakfast will be served today in the courtyard in a half an hour." He bows quickly to me. "Please excuse me."

I nod, and he leaves the room, once more shutting the door behind him.

I am compelled, now more than ever, to remain shut up in my quarters, but for Shōri's sake, I leave it, as I haven't seen her in nearly a week. I am surprised at her reaction to my reappearance.

"Good morning, sister," she says. No queries, no questions. Just a "good morning".

"Um... good morning," I reply lowly. Whatever that woman managed to do to her to prepare her for the ceremonies is beyond me. It's like she's a completely different person, and I'm not entirely sure how I'm supposed to take it.

I take my seat across from Shōri and fold a white cloth across my knees.

"Thank you for this meal," I say.

"Thank you for this meal," Shōri says. I silently sigh in relief. At least this mannerism hasn't changed of her.

Later in the evening, I come to a conclusion.

I don't think it's that my mother is trying to craft me in her image... I mean, she is, but not for the sake of the Clan or the Thirteen Court Guard Squads or anything like that, but for my sake. Her success as the previous head and as a Captain is admirable, and I'm sure it didn't take her faithful followers to have to tell her that. She probably knew it for herself, and for this reason, and for the reason of her of having little experience as a mother, she chose to try and have me follow in her footsteps.

She was successful. Why shouldn't I be the same, right?

It's a constant battle of spite over grief over frustration over pride. I hate my mother. I hate that's she's dead. I hate that she couldn't suffer the way we did without her or her love. I hate that I'm happy she chose to have me succeed her.

For this reason, I'll let things slide. I'll forgive her. I'll become the Head of the Kaoku Clan, properly. I'll begin at the Academy and become a proper Soul Reaper. I'll become a Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads... somehow.

Updated October 10th, 2022 | 1,002 words

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