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When I was alive, I recall my fondest memory being me acting like a pompous, arrogant brat. Of course, this was less than a year ago, so it's not like I've changed much. I'm still arrogant. I want what I want. And I'll throw both my weight around and my status to make sure I get that.

My only escort today is Shinji. I refused to allow him into the actual hall where I'd face all fourty-six of the members of the Central Underground; after all, he had zero involvement in the murders of all those Rukongans. Well, maybe just one. Like the rest, he had it coming.

Shõri also insisted. As much as I'd love to have her by my side, the only other comfort in my life here, I've seen her tears too many times in a span of nine months. If things are to go south here today, although I have a strong case against any attempt at a prosecution, the last thing I want is for her to cry on my behalf. Keishõ, as unreliable a prat as he is, would be there to take care of her, this, I know. But no more tears. I've left her at home with Sosuke.

Sosuke also desired to accompany me. Knowledge of his brusque curiousity almost had me saying "yes" to him when he popped the question. The short amount of time he's spent in the manor, only a week and a half now, I find myself attached to the boy. And like Shõri, if he were to become upset, I'm not sure I could forgive myself.

Inari had woken me up earlier than I'd desired this morning. After I'd returned from my mended inner world, it'd already been six o'clock. I'd made the connection as to why I'd been feeling so up and down; with my inner world unbalanced, so was my heart. Settling that storm stopped the one inside me. And I'd woken up feeling refreshed, and well-rested, for the first time in a week. Now I can face Central Fourty-Six with my head high.

Shinji has joined me in the front foyer, arms folded over his chest, wearing a formal robe of sorts. I, too, wear a formal gown. After all, being the representative leader of the Kaoku Clan, I can't be wearing my academy uniform to outings.

"Oh, so that's what took you so long," Shinji says once he's noticed me. "You were busy getting dolled up for me."

I roll my eyes so hard they make them ache; truthfully, his words flatter me, and always make my heart race.

"I am here for a good time, not a long time, after all," I tell him airily. As expected, the flirty smile from his face has disappeared, replaced by one of disappointment. "Oh, come on, Shinji," I say, "I'll get off with just a slap on the wrist and then we'll be off celebrating my victory the rest of the day. And night," I add, winking at him.

Of course, my words have a much greater affect on him than he'd probably care to admit.

"W-Well..." He decides to take my hand, his lips still turned down but expression flooding with red as he pulls me toward the main doors. "... I'll keep that in mind, then..."

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