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I wish it'd been easier to try and believe Jūshirō's promise. Unfortunately, using Shunpo isn't as easy as he and Shunsui made it sound. I tried, and tried, and tried, but I'd only managed a single three-meter Flash Step, and that'd been the end of that. 

With no other choice, I'd started fast-walking in the opposite direction. It hadn't taken as long as I'd estimated - roughly only fourty minutes - but in my geta, it had been mildly uncomfortable.

Leave it to the Kuchiki Clan to treat its guests like royalty. I hadn't a choice in the matter when I'd received first aid treatment to heal my blistered feet. I'd also been tutted at by Tanuma when I'd told him I refused to use my sedan chair for travel.

"The purpose of your sedan chair is to keep those of nobility in good health, Abaron; you must never refuse it, for until you pass the torch, you are all your clan has."

I suppose he has a point though. I guess I should be taking much better care of myself, for everyone in the Kaoku Clan. For Shōri.

I set my teacup down on my saucer to watch a bird land on the grass not too far away from where I sit with Tanuma and his father Ginrei. For the short amount of time we've sat together, not a single word, aside from us greeting each other, has been said. I still have no idea why it is I've been summoned here to the Kuchiki Clan in the first place... and it can't have been just for tea.

"Sir Ginrei," I say, "I don't mean to be intrusive, but... I'm wondering why it is you've called me all the way into the Seireitei here today. It took quite a while to get here, and I'm to meet with the Head Captain later this evening..."

"Yes, I'm aware of your meeting," Sir Ginrei says. "However, there's something we must discuss before you leave."

"Then... might I ask what it is we might discuss?" I say.

"Union," he states. "Between the Kuchiki Clan and the Kaoku Clan."

"Union?" Tanuma and I both end up repeating.

"In other words, marriage."

"Marriage?!" we both exclaim.

"Father, just what is this?" Tanuma demands, leaping from his seat. "Why is it you hadn't confided in me of this? And just who from these clans do you plan to involve in this ploy of yours?"

Sir Ginrei chuckles. "You, of course." My eyes widen. "By your expressions, I can tell you both aren't pleased with this idea."

"Not particularly, no," we chorus.

"Sir Ginrei, I truly don't think that Tanuma and I getting m-married is..." I can't even finish my sentence – I'm much too flustered – but he still seems to understand what my point is by my ridiculous hand gestures, and in response, he laughs.

"Many years ago, your mother gave my father the same expression," Sir Ginrei says. "She turned down the proposal, as well."

I chuckle, and take a sip of tea out of nervousness before saying, "She never was one for commitment..."

"I'll admit, I would've hoped you would be different, Abaron," he tells me. "Bringing the two clans together would indeed give them reason to rejoice, considering the pretenses."

"Pretenses?" I repeat. And then it sinks in. "Oh. Right." He means Sōjun's wife's and my mother's deaths.

Sir Ginrei nods. "I do think you should think it over."

Tanuma sets down his teacup—rather harshly, too.

"Father, may I have a word in private with you?" he asks. He nods, and Tanuma turns to me. "I'm sure the Head Captain is expecting you right about now, Abaron."

"Yes, I would imagine so," I agree, and we all stand. I bow to Sir Ginrei, and end up giving Tanuma a quick, flustered glance. "Thank you both for your invitation."


"This is just ridiculous."

Once more, I've gotten myself lost within the Kuchiki Clan Manor. I mean really, how big does this place even need to be? Just how many people are in the Kuchiki Clan in the first place?

"... can't do this anymore, father." I stop in my tracks in the middle of the hallway, my bare feet squeaking slightly along the cold wood floors. "I am supposed to be the Head of this clan, yet you still take it upon yourself to make all its decisions in private with the elders!"

"Tanuma, you're still just a boy. I can't allow you to make any future decisions for the clan before you can make any proper decisions for yourself. You're twenty-two years old, and three months into being the Twenty-Sixth Head – a greenhorn – yet you think it's proper to change a thousand-year-old tradition of our tea ceremonies into a drunken farce!"

"It is the Seventeenth century, father," Tanuma growls. "I do believe times are changing." He then sighs. "Just like I am. I no longer wish to lead the Kuchiki."

I hear a ruffling of fabric and a sharp snapping sound. He's not serious? I wonder, lips parted, after realizing that the sounds belonged to him taking off his scarf and kenseikan.


"Until another Kuchiki masters Bankai, you can be the Head of the Kuchiki Clan."

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