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It is obvious that Yin does not approve of Tanuma

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It is obvious that Yin does not approve of Tanuma. She stands with the other elders, voicing her frustrations and complaints toward today's arrangement. She thinks it a terrible idea for us to be acquainted.

I have to say, I wholly agree. It was only seconds after I formally introduced myself that I was offered a full bottle of sake, all to myself. I've never drank before-- I don't know what to expect from this.

"However, around this time of year, we host Hanami," Tanuma had said, "so it's a good thing you've been instated as a clan head now. Now, you can enjoy twice the sake while watching the cherry blossoms fall."

"Well, I thank you for your hospitality," I'd replied. "But I've never had sake before, and... I'm not quite of age."

"Age is no question in the Soul Society," Tanuma had said. "Drink to your hearts' content! I know I will."

Perhaps I shouldn't have taken Tanuma's words so literally. Now, I lie face down in the grass, listening to the laughter of the other Kuchiki members - specifically, Tanuma's - unable to stop hiccoughing.

So much for showing Yin, I think. However, these thoughts are jumbled inside my head because of the alcohol. Oh well.

"Up you get."

A pair of clammy hands grab hold of my arms from behind, and lift me to my feet. I stagger into them, and feeling my elbow connect with them, I mumble an incoherent apology.

"Don't worry about it," the voice replies. A man. Is it Tanuma? It sounds like Tanuma. "Let's get you sitting up and drinking some water, alright?"

I nod, and clumsily allow myself to be led by the man. I look beside me, and realize that it is Tanuma. Or... perhaps not.

"Who're you?" I demand. He smiles, his eyes trained on the cobblestone path ahead of us.

"My name is Sōjun," he says. I find myself frowning. "You look confused, so let me explain. My twin brother is Tanuma. You must have thought it was him, since we sound and look identical."

"Y... yeah," I lamely admit. A hard surface comes in contact with my behind and I fall heavily against it.

"Careful, now," Sōjun says. I barely hear him over the chortling of the other guests. He turns away from me, keeping a steadying hand on my back. "Could you bring some water for Lady Abaron?" he says. I find myself about to respond when I realize that he wasn't speaking to me.

"Of course, sir," another man answers. I don't know how much time passes after he leaves, but it feels like a millennia by the time he returns. "Here you are, Lady Kaoku."

"... thanks," I hear myself slur. I start groaning immediately after I chug down the glass. I can't control myself and it is embarrassing. And then, I start speaking. "I... I've got a question for ya, Sōjun!"


"Why... why is a guy like Tanuma the head of the Kuchiki Clan?" I demand. My wishes to remain silent go unnoticed. "He's so... uncouth... and he's a drunkard, isn't he?"

I find myself gesturing toward the topic of my question, who argues with the Kuchiki Clan elders over how dull the ceremonies always are, before drunkenly decreeing that while he is the head of the clan, there won't be anymore tea ceremonies.

"Tanuma is... er, that is, he's..." Sōjun seems to have trouble answering my question. "He's eccentric," he finally blurts. "He's not like the previous leaders for a reason, apparently..."

"Which is?"

"I suppose it could be that, he still resents our father."

"Your father?" I repeat, almost soberly.

"Yes. The previous head of the clan, Ginrei Kuchiki. He forced my brother to take his place because of his reckless activities. He needed to learn how to be responsible for someone other than himself."

"That's dumb," I say.

"I agree. However, it was time for our father to step down," he tells me.

"Why? He got too old?"

Sōjun chuckles lowly. "Not just that, but also, when a member of the Kuchiki Clan earns their Bankai, they replace the previous head if their strength is up to par."

"So what, Tanuma fought your father and won?" I say. Sōjun nods. "Incredible."

"Very," Sōjun says. "Being a member of the Kuchiki Clan means that whatever your position or rank is, you must always act to positively represent us."

"But wait... couldn't you take over, instead?" I ask.

"Unfortunately, no," Sōjun says. "I am the brother to the Kuchiki Clan's newest head, who just so happens to be a Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. I have no Bankai. With my skils, I am lucky to be a Lieutenant under my brother. And not only that, but I'm ill. I do not, and I never will, have as much strength as my brother or my father, for that matter."

I frown. "Aren't you angry?" I demand. "It's like you got the short end of a stick; you're weak, and you're sick?" I slap a hand to my mouth. "T-That came out wrong, I-I--"

"Don't apologize; you're not wrong at all," he says. "But to answer your question... I'm not angry. A little disappointed, of course, but who wouldn't be if they were in my situation? To be succeeded by my twin-- my younger brother." Sōjun lets out a sad little laugh. "How ridiculous."

"Hey, you two! I think you're missing the whole point of this party!?"

Sōjun raises his head, and turns away from me. At the opposite end of the courtyard stands Tanuma, his arm raised above his head and waving. Sōjun sighs in exasperation.

"I wish I could miss this whole party all together," he mumbles.

Updated October 10th, 2022 | 999 words

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