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It appears that Sosuke had been entirely open to my proposal. The expression on his face became a lot more thoughtful after I'd welcomed him into the manor—not as a guest, but as an honorary son under Kayanara's name. I'd immediately removed him from the recovery wing, and over into the chamber wing, which held mine, Shōri's, and Keishō's chambers, as well as one other, the smallest of the three, but still quite large, and with its own balcony.

"This will be your room, Sosuke," I tell him, having slid the doors open for him. His lips part, and he steps in, clearly awed. "Your bed will be made shortly, and your wardrobe will be filled with clothing by tonight, as well. We typically eat at the same time each day, at eight in the morning, noon, and five in the evening. If at any point you are hungry between those times, that is not a problem—you can ask one of the attendants for something else to eat, or even go to the kitchens, yourself, is no problem, either.

"I know it may take some getting used to," I add quietly, patting his shoulder. "It took me quite a while, myself." I smile at him. "My room is right next to yours, and Shōri's is straight across the hall, if there's ever an emergency. Our brother Keishō is an unreliable prat, so don't bother with him unless you absolutely need to."

I lead Sosuke away from the chambers, and in the direction of the foyer.

"This is the main entrance to the manor," I tell him, gesturing to the large torii gates marking it. "You can exit it from anywhere, but this will take you directly to the path between the Sekki-Seki Wall and the Rukon District."

I watch his lips part in response to my words. It's obvious he's trying not to be too surprised by the manor's size (it's almost as large as the Kuchiki Clan manor, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in appearance), but it shines through in his eyes. He can't help but become bewildered by his circumstances.

Then I take him to the kitchens, and introduce him to the itamae and servers. They ask him for his favourite dishes, his most beloved beverage. He can't answer. All he says is that he greatly dislikes boiled eggs. This being a common food eaten in Rukongai, I feel terrible for him. So I ask the itamae to prepare multiple different dishes for dinner for him to taste. Once more, he is overwhelmed.

"You've inspired me, Sosuke," I tell him. He glances up at me from his seat on the edge of the inner engawa.

"I've inspired you?" he repeats, sounding incredulous.

"Yes. You've opened my eyes. Even though I was already aware of Rukongai's conditions, I've come to the conclusion that the children lost there need support, and guidance. Everyone here is my responsibility." I look to Sosuke. "Children like you won't have to worry about going hungry if they have spiritual energy like you and me. They'll be safe."

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