•Chapter 6•

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Forty five minutes isn't enough for a lunch break. A hour wasn't enough of a break. Heck. Even winter break wasn't enough of a break from school.

Especially if the first class you have when you come back is science.

I hate the teacher so much. I was only there for an hour with her (if I had to be honest, I slept the entire two periods) but she woke me up twelve minutes early. She scolded me and told the other students how this was inappropriate behavior for a senior. She kept saying how freshmen are behaving better than I was.

Honestly, she didn't have a right to be saying those things about me. What if I was tired because my dad died and I stayed up crying because of the memories? What if I had a sister who had cancer and I stayed up all night to make sure she didn't die before my eyes?

Horrible 'what if' 's but it's true. No one should say anything so mean to someone without knowing if they have the right to say it. I know what some people think of me. They think I sell drugs to gang members or rob stores for fun and let Amy pay for it.

News flash: I hate my Stepmom. I sell art, not drugs. I don't rob stores. I design flyers for fundraisers and staple them on the bulletin boards.

And, people, the world is green and blue.

Sitting in this science class is worse than sitting in World History. At least in World History I actually have real words to memorize.

"Julianna!" My teacher yells. "Read section A-2."

I sigh. "Review A-2: Biomes."

"In your head!" She yells. The guys in my class snickered.

I rolled my eyes and laid my head on my hand. I scanned the words. Gibberish.

I shook my head. I needed to focus.

The bell rings and I jump up. "Sit down, Julianna!" She yells. "You're not leaving until I dismiss you."

I sit down slowly, keeping eye contact with her to show how delighted I was.

"Read sections A-2 all the way to E-37." She tells us. "You will be tested. Go."

Everyone groaned and stood up. Chairs scratched the floor and people started talking about what they were doing after school. My shoulders felt heavy while I walked out of that class. I kept my books close to my chest. I really really need to escape everything. Focus on schoolwork. It'll pay off in the end.

At least today's school day didn't involve any annoying seniors who asked if I have a stash hidden under the bleachers. I'd really hate to bother Grey again.

Despite the rumors that would circle someone who enjoys being alone, you can learn from just watching from the sidelines instead of being in the spotlight. People behave very differently around different people.

Right when I turn around, I hear a locker slam. "Can you back the fuck off, Ryan! Leave me alone!"

Such sweet words by the one and only Christina Olivens.

All the guys that usually bother me are giving Ryan looks to see how he was going to react. I watch too. I admit that I was a little curious.

Will he explode even worse than before? Is it possible? Ryan doesn't look calm...

"Fine. You go out with him and see how much of a guy your boyfriend is. I've warned you one too many times and if you want to be with that...that..dick then go ahead. I'm done. All these years and you choose him so go." He stares at her. In the hallway where most people pay no mind to what happens in the hallway


All the guys surrounding them, a few of them with girls on their shoulders like a second backpack, stare at each other. Those bozos probably wonder when a fight is going to break out.

I don't like Ryan, but if I have to do a report about him, I don't want to look at a black eye while I'm doing it.

Christina, on the other hand, I have the right to judge. It's not actually judging when you've seen her act wrong in front of your very eyes.

"Yo! Where's that boyfriend you're talking about, Babe?" Some guy yells from the back of the crowd.

"None of your business, Buddy." Someone else answers. That guy pushes through the crowd.


"Christina? What's the holdup?" He asks Christina. He smirking at Ryan.

Christina smiles up at Maxwell. He's taller than her by a foot. Huh. "Nothing Baby. Just chatting with Ryan and all these guys are listening in. Babe, tell them to go, would you?" She pouts. Pouts. How old is she?

He eyed the crowd. I was behind a tall couple and hid when Maxwell's eyes met theirs. "You guys were already on your way out. Don't make me do anything stupid."

The crowd stays put until Maxwell throws his arm around Christina's shoulders and walks right out the exit. What's left of the crowd watches Ryan again. The couple in front of me whispers. I trail behind them while everyone else leaves, reminding myself that we're all going out the same door anyway. Due to the crowd, the way down is slow. I lost sight of Ryan.

"God. She's sucha bitch to him. Too bad she doesn't love him as mucha he loves her." The redhead says to her bae.

"Dude must be hurting. It hurts to like a girl so much, and to be so close to her, but you can't do anything about your feelings." The guy responds, turning with her to the other side of the parking lot.

I blink once I step out the school and towards my Chevy. I pause by the door of my car. Where have I heard that?

Crap. I open the door of the car, looking around for Maxwell. Coast clear.

Zzz-zz. I pull out my phone at the same time I put the key in the ignition to see a text from a certain Know-It-All.

"It's Ryan." It read. "I need a favor. Uncle Grey already left and I know you're probably still here. I saw you in the hallway. Could I get a ride home? Please."

I debated. Should I?

Eh. Your grades... Can't slip...Need...project. Away from here...need help...project....

At least I'll be late for dinner. Score!

"You owe me. I'm in the front." I texted him back.

In a couple of minutes, I see him walking to my car. He looks like hell. His hair is all over the place and his clothes are ruffled too.

"Damn. Did a train hit you or something on your way here? I saw you a couple minutes ago! You were fine...ish." I told him when he got in the car.

He didn't say anything and he didn't slam the door, which I was grateful for.

"No." Ryan whispered. "Listen, thanks for going out of your way to help me here."

I looked at him. He looks awkward. I feel awkward. The last time I had a conversation him, I asked him if he liked people staring at him. "Dude. You know I'm not going to bring up what happened unless you do, right?" I told him, backing away from the school.

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