The Third Person

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I hated life

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I hated life.

I had two moods (just two) and it was either "life was a gift meant to be cherished" or "make sure you take my money before you pull the trigger, please". With hair so drenched that it was messing with my view to making sure I didn't trip over my feet, I was having a wonderful interaction with the rain. I twisted my useless umbrella under my arm. The broken spikes dug into my armpit and I just wanted to chuck the damn thing into the nearby garbage can.

A car honked as the driver turned and I scowled. It wasn't helping with my headache. I needed to get back home fast before I got sick.

"I'm walking here, buddy! You watch where you're going!" A man in front of me was yelling at a car and I rolled my eyes.

"Stupid people these days," I say while shoving my way past.

I zig-zag my way across people who have places to be and people to see. My phone rings in my pocket but I told myself I'd wait until I was back in my apartment again in order to cry my self to sleep. The worst days of worst days just had to be today.

"I just needed my fuzzy slippers and some coffee," I muttered to myself as I ducked into yet another restaurant to help shield myself from the pouring rain.

I didn't need to buy a new umbrella. I was at that point in my day. I was tight on money as it was. The new company required a lot of investment. I needed to place the final payment for the location this week and I already exceeded my budget after buying new supplies. If I bought a new umbrella, that meant I had to eat Ramen for dinner again. I looked at the broken umbrella. I mean, cereal wouldn't be that bad right?

I look up and instantly hated myself yet again. Why? Just, why Jay?

I threw the idiotic thing in the trash can outside the restaurant and sprinted my way to the apartment complex. I didn't care about what I ate. Just as long as I was out of these wet clothes. Once I stepped inside the rotating doors, I shivered and got angry (for no reason). It was freezing. Why was I suddenly in the North Pole?

"Gees!" I shrieked, my body shivered involuntarily.

I was sweating and I was cold. It was such a horrible mix. I looked around the lobby. Was it bad manners to walk in like how I did? Maybe I should have dried up outside under the banister.

I walked up to where the elevator was and smiled at a teen who was waiting for the elevator too.

The tall and lanky teen smiled in my direction. He gave me an awkward smile and a half nod. "Hello, ma'am. Are you okay?"

"Yep. I'm fine. Thank you. " I untied my hair and combed my fingers through some red curls. "I just look like a drowned rat."

"Ha... Are you here to visit?" He questioned.

The elevator dinged. We both stepped in. As the silver doors closed, I heaved a sigh.

Please don't let this be awkward.

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