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The big milestone.

In sophomore year, I would have had no reaction towards the word "graduation". At the moment, with everything that was happening around me, I was crying nonstop.

When the cops came in that year, and Grey didn't hear my side of the story, everyone was judging me for things they assumed I did. I was already scared what school was going to be like, things were rough with my parents, and I was so terrified.

Then I lost my mother and the monster of a man was spending his time with his new stepdaughter like I was the replacement instead of her. Thank the stars that Grey and the police officers believed me. With the way the world is, I thought I was going to spiral into a really dark place.

I know what you're thinking.

"Julianna, why didn't you just transfer out of the school? Why stay there?"

Why didn't I think of that? You might have missed a few chapters of my life where I describe the wonderful time I've been having but feel free to go back and refresh your memory. It's not like I'm trying to walk down a very painful memory lane while also walking towards my seat for graduation.


Do you know how hard it is to go through that in the first year of high school and not having parents who were caring enough to transfer me out? Do you think I wanted to stay in this school? If it weren't for Grey I would have spent my high school years in worse places.

Flash forward to when I spent so much time with Ryan that was supposed to be just for a project.

It's kind of unbelievable.

I guess the only thing that hasn't changed is how I feel about all the teachers. I hated the amount of homework they gave me throughout the whole four years and how they wouldn't listen when I tried to reason with them. Almost no one gave me a break when I said I had a family emergency. I hated how not one of them asked Grey to see if I really was selling drugs at the beginning of that year. I really just hated the people who made me feel uncomfortable.

If I had to be honest, I didn't care anymore. Now it's all the matter of just grabbing my diploma and running away towards a successful future.

I looked around. These were the people I've seen in the hallways for the past four years, the people I've stayed away from and the same people I've just made acquaintances who were just starting to be familiar faces.

Suddenly the halls seemed empty without having to run to next period.

I don't know what I was feeling at the moment, but I was certain about one thing: I was leaving. I was going to walk out the doors and smile because all those bullies wouldn't follow me. No more jocks. No more queen bees. Now I had to worry about making my own meals, paying for bills, keeping my grades up, and actually surviving college. I couldn't believe it. I was nervous. Instead of a new school, I had to worry about a new state and a new environment. I was happy I got into a college that the monster of a man didn't teach in. I had enough money to go thanks to my savings and... a scholarship. I had the scholarship I've always dreamed of.

I was going to live happily.

Going to be? No. I was going to continue to be happy.

My only regrets? I regret not going to one party. Not making enough friends. I regret not entering art contests. I was disappointed with not having anyone that I opened myself up to while I was here.

Then Grey Miles came along and soon came Ryan.

Now, I was with Ryan.

How crazy is that? I had someone who saw me with love and not a disappointment. I had someone to call mine. I had someone I could talk to in an intimate way. I had someone for my own. I could hug him all I want. I can wrap my fingers around his hair and tug.

I had a boyfriend and the drama was over.

He is everything I have ever wanted. Ryan is everything I have wished for since I was little. He was geeky and his smile made me giggle. His laugh made me almost close to tears because I would be so happy. He was just so precious to me. His blonde hair caught the hair like an Angel's halo. His eyes would show how they feel about me in unspoken words. His words would have me hypnotized knowing he was talking to me.

"Julianna Beatrice Jones," Grey called from the podium with a bunch of people from the state behind him.

Grey's eyes met mine. He smiled, tearing up and I couldn't help it when I smiled back with blurry vision. I walked up to him and laughed (I was a mess) before I hugged him. I didn't care if the superintendent was watching. I needed to hug Grey. Especially now.

I whipped my tears when I sat back down in my seat, trying to be careful not to get tears on the diploma, barely registering my name shining brightly back up to me from my lap in golden letters.

When Ryan went up, I yelled at the top of my lungs. He smiled at me from the stage and blew me a kiss. He turned to Grey, smiled, and gave him a bear hug.
Sooner than I thought, it was all over.

The years of preparing.

The millions of projects.

The weeks of practice.

It was done.

I started bawling.

I was the one by Ryan's side that day. I was the one he said made him the happiest person in the entire world. Both of us were attached to the hip for the rest of the day.

Ryan Miles wasn't telling Christina she looked beautiful in her graduation cap and gown and that still blew my mind.

He told me he loved my hair and how bright I was smiling. I was the one he was hugging in a vice grip. I was the beauty Ryan was talking to. I was the wonderful woman he told everyone he was dating while smiling like the goofball he is. I was the one who kissed him more than once while Grey stood there laughing his deep laugh.

We were going to college! How could I not cry?

The money holders weren't here and neither was Emily.

I smiled. Maybe they cared enough to listen to me this time. They didn't show up. I told them not to and by actually listening? That was the best graduation present ever.

I told Amy to make a partnership deal with Gabriel! and use the fact that she was missing her step-daughter's graduation to her advantage. Hopefully, Mr. Gabriel had the heart to believe Amy actually cared. Amy said she'd send me clothes. Guess Christmas came early?

Just how awesome is that? My roommate has to be a drama major. Free costumes!

"They listened?" Ryan's voice said, keeping me close to him.

I told him about the "family" not showing up. I nodded and leaned my head onto his shoulder, sighing. "I was surprised too but I gave Amy an excuse she couldn't refuse." I yawned.

Ryan's eyes snapped to mine. His eyes softened and I looked away because I already knew what he was thinking. "Do you remember what I said? Be happy you have a family and that it expanded?"

We walked out towards my car with my head tucked under Ryan's arm. I sighed, smiling sadly. "I'm trying. Me. They aren't trying as much. I needed people who genuinely love me to be here. You and Grey and Stacy are the only people in this entire world who care. I asked them not to come because I needed people who actually cared about my education to congratulate me on doing a good job."

Ryan sighed. "Today is a good day. I'm proud of you, Julianna." He kissed the side of my forehead. "Congrats Grad."

I turned to give him a huge hug and buried my face in his neck. "Congrats to you too! You got into the college you wanted and I am so proud of you!"

Ryan laughed. That deep rich sound rumbled through his chest and I felt the vibrations. I smiled, tearing up again.

God, I'm such a child.

I pulled back to wipe them away.

Ryan grabbed my wrists and kissed them both while smiling at me. "Let's go before Unc calls to see what happened to us."

I smiled. "Okay."

With that we both jumped in the car and sang random songs on the radio, smiling at each other.

Maybe that's why I thought we wouldn't break up.

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