•Chapter 19•

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"I'm not saying you did. I'm just wondering how long you've liked him." Ryan asked while looking in front of us. He didn't even make eye-contact, which is weird for him.

I gave him a look of utter disbelief. I looked around, a little uncomfortable. This guy... "Nathan? Y-you think I like Nathan?"

The past couple of weeks, I tried to put what happened with Ryan out of my mind. It wasn't that big a deal because, technically, nothing happened. If he didn't bring it up, I wasn't going to either.

I didn't think about Amy and how she rolled her eyes when I went back the next morning. I didn't care. Stacy went back with me like she promised. Stacy saw how Amy noticed us but rolled her eyes at us instead of saying hi. It's not like I expected a greeting in the first place. I slammed the door on my way out. I wouldn't be surprised if the art room was cleared out when I came back.

The rest of the day was as a mess as the previous night had been. I excused myself in my morning classes and spent twenty minutes emailing teachers for not getting my work in on time. During lunch, I handed in all my work to my morning classes while I took their homework: Six science worksheets, an art project, and math note that were all due by midnight.

Slacking off now was not an option. I needed my GPA to stay as high as possible. I could sleep in tomorrow. Today wasn't much better than the rest of the week. I ate an apple while studying for my Language Arts quiz and took a nap in the car before coming to Patsy's to finish homework. Just like every other day.

Yet, I still managed to bump into Ryan. After an awkward exchange of salutations and whatnot, I ordered food and gave him the invitation to sit with me. A week is long enough to forget what happened right? Now, I had Ryan asking me stupid questions while I googled who Henrietta Lacks and John Moore were for my biology worksheet. I looked up while switching my gaze from my worksheet and the computer. He thought I liked Nathan? Please.

He gave me a slow nod like I wasn't understanding a very easy question. "Yeah."

I stretched my arm and laughed nervously. "W-what even gave you that idea?"

"I've been observing." He answered curtly.

"So, based on what you've been seeing, you think I like Nathaniel?" I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"I thought his name was Nathan."

"It is." My eyebrows scrunched, wondering why Ryan was acting so different today. I typed some more. "His full name is Nathaniel, and I call him Nathan- What is wrong with you today, Ryan?Who told you I have a crush on him?"

I didn't get it. I thought we were just going to have a nice chat.

He gave me a side look but not long enough for me to guess what he was feeling. He shrugged. "I told you. I've been noticing a few things."

"Well, just so you know, Nathaniel is a great guy." A look at the guy next to me. "I mean, he works really hard for his daughter and I admire how hard he works for her because I know the mother of-"

Ryan looked at me once more and I noticed how his eyes were wide. "He has a kid?"

I nodded while slowly smiling. "With his wife."

"He's married," Ryan mutters to himself.

"So, I wouldn't say I would go for Nathaniel. "

Ryan cleared his throat and murmured. "So, who would you go for...?"

I blushed a new shade of red that Crayola should use for a new crayon color. "Ahh. Well..." I smiled to myself. I'm pretty sure I was dozing off as I thought out loud. "I don't entertain myself with the idea that I could be in a relationship with someone. Being alone for so long... I guess you get used to it. I just want someone who could understand me and the person that I am."

"Have you met guys like that?" He asked. Ryan was still red. He was probably embarrassed about not knowing Nathan had a family.

I let out a puff of air. "Yeah. I guess I have."

"Have you ever told them you liked them?"

"No. I have issues, okay? This one guy I liked, he was really funny but I don't remember a single joke he said. I asked who he thought I would like." I laughed bitterly.

"What'd he say?"

"Told me I would make a good couple with the fattest kid in our class." I laughed loudly this time. I was internally crying. "That's exactly what a ten-year-old girl needs to boost her self-esteem."

"I'd kick him where no guy should be kicked," Ryan stated bluntly. He was being very basic like it was a math problem that wasn't worth my time.

That's how it is with Ryan. I've always noticed it. He's always to the point about anything. He'll tell you anything he needs to for everything to be in the light. He'll protect you and keep things that would hurt you. He would tell you if it's necessary or wait for the right timing.

"Sure you would. Why would you kick him? We were ten. It didn't really matter." I silently remembered how humiliated I was and not to mention heartbroken.

"Of course it matters! It was your first crush. Your first anything has to be special."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Since he was next to me, I pulled up my presentation. "Please. Like I said, we were kids. We didn't really matter what we thought about each other. Cooties and whatever, remember?"

Ryan tried to hide a smile. We both had a flashback to when we were kids. I was impressed. I didn't think he'd remember.

"He broke your heart. I could tell." He gave a little smirk. "You really liked the guy."

"He gave me a McDonalds watch," I muttered back to him. What did that have to do with this, Julianna?

"So? Doesn't justify what he did," Ryan argued back.

Why did he get so angry? I raise my hands up in defence. Something is definitely wrong with him. "That's not what I meant. It's just... That was a long time ago. I got over it in eight years. S'all good, Lion." I tried to brush the topic off.

The blush on Ryan's cheeks made a reappearance at the sound of the nickname. He gave me a scowl. He was probably annoyed. Great.

I took a deep breath. "The guy I like now is better. He's an amazing guy but I don't think he's aware of that." I turn back to typing and smile when Ryan notices it's the project. "And he's around idiots all the time but do I do anything? No."

Ryan shut his mouth and any words he had in mind were wiped away. Ryan stayed quiet. I shut my mouth. My heart was jumping. My palms were sweating so much I was drying them on my pants. Oh, Ryan.

You're clueless.

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