Chapter 1: Someone Like Me

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   Everyday students would come into the school talking with their friends, joking around, talking about their activities outside of school... But there was one girl who did not talk to anyone. People just walked by her, they barely even noticed she was there. When people did notice her they referred to her as "That Shy Girl", but her real name was (Y/N).
   (Y/N) had always been a shy girl. It's not that she was disliked or depressed, but rather that anyone who tried to talk to her she pushed away. She was always scared of what would happen if she were to be hurt by the ones she loved. So, she decided she would not love anyone, that way no one that mattered would be able to hurt her. She decided she would only focus on her studies and her own needs and wants. After that, no one really noticed her anymore...
   Today was the same as any other day for (Y/N): She walked to school, alone; she went to class, alone; she ate her lunch outside, alone; and she studied in the library, alone. She was accustomed to this routine and did everything almost automatically. But today, something different happened that interrupted her regular routine.
   (Y/N) was in the library. She was gathering books for a research paper on World War II. She picked out five books she believed would contain the information she would need to write the report. She began to walk towards the front of the library. When she turned the corner, she bumped into someone, causing both the stranger and herself to drop the books they had previously been holding.
   "S-sorry aboot that, eh...," the stranger said softly in a Canadian accent. (Y/N) crouched down to begin sorting out the pile of books. "N-no, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where i was going...," she uttered shyly.
   The stranger also crouched to begin helping to sort the books. "Neither was I...," he said apologetically.
   (Y/N) looked up at the unfamiliar boy before her. He seemed to be about her age; he had wavy, blonde hair with a curl protruding from the center; there were oval framed glasses over his deep, violet eyes; and strangely he was wearing a hooded sweatshirt even though it was still the beginning of autumn.
   The boy looked up and noticed her staring at him. (Y/N) quickly tilted her head down to return to sorting the books. The boy did the same,
   After a few moments of awkward silence, the two stood after having each sorted their books and placing them in neat stacks.
   The boy looked at the books (Y/N) was holding. "A-are you gathering books for the report on W-World War II?" he asked cautiously. (Y/N) nodded slightly.
   "O-oh... I-I think we are in the same class...," the boy shyly stated. "O-oh... R-really?" (Y/N) wasn't exactly sure what else to say, she had never seen this boy before.
  "Let me guess...," he said, "You have never noticed me before." (Y/N) nodded shyly and said, "No, sorry..."
   The boy sighed softly. "It's fine. No one ever does..." (Y/N) looked up at the boy slightly. "I-I know how you feel... No one ever really notices me anymore..."
  The boy lets out a slight chuckle. "Yeah...No offense, but I didn't realize we were in the same class untill now."
   "I-It's fine," she says, "I've always been shy. I-I never really wanted to make friends because I-I'm scared they will hold me back. Then... People just stopped noticing me..."
   The boy looked at her, she could see the saddness in his expression. "W-Well... I'm no expert myself, but I'm sure that is not entirely true. Friends are supposed to be there to support you... A-and to help you and make you laugh and smile. Not all people are cruel," he smiles, "You just need to find the right kind of people. Then you will be happy."
   (Y/N) was shocked. She had never though about it like that before...
   The boy noticed her expression. His expression turned flustered. "O-oh, sorry... I didn't mean to offend you in any way..."
   (Y/N) shook her head. "N-no, you didn't offend me at all. Actually...," she paused, " A-actually... You just changed  my entire perspective on friendship..."
   Now the boy was shocked. "Eh?! Really?" The girl nodded. "Yes... And... Um..." (Y/N) did not know how to word her next sentence correctly.
   The boy waited for her to gather her thoughts. Finally, she softly asked, "C-could... We... Be fr-friends...?" She winced, not knowing what to expect.
   The boy was astonished. No one had ever asked to be his friend before... He took a moment to gather his thoughts then gave a reply.
  "S-sure...," he muttered. (Y/N) looked up at him in amazement. At first, she wasn't sure she had heard him correctly. "Wh-what?" she asked.
   "Y-yeah!" he said with more confidence, "Let's be friends!"
   (Y/N) smiled. She wasn't exactly sure how to react. All she knew was that she felt a new feeling. It made her feel warm inside and made want to not stop smiling. C-could this be what real happiness feels like...? She wondered.
   The boy smiled as well. I-I can't believe it... I actually have a friend! I can't wait to tell Alfred aboot this!
   The boy sat his books down on a nearby table and extended his hand. "I'm Matthew, by the way," he said.
   The girl aslo placed her books in the table and placed her hand in his. "I-I'm (Y/N)."
   Matthew felt something strange when (Y/N) placed her hand in his. It was a good feeling, but he could not distinguish what exactly the feeling was. It must be a feeling of friendship
He thought.
   The two shook hands and smiled. "It has been a pleasure meeting you (Y/N), but," Matthew picked up his stack of books, "I should probably go check out these books now."
   (Y/N) also picked up her book pile. "Y-yeah, me too."
   The two walked up to the front of the library, smiling. And for the first time, (Y/N) allowed someone, other than herself, to have meaning in her life.

Canada x Shy! Reader x AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now