The Right Path

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...The Right Path. As she took her first step onto the path she had chosen, the other path's color seemed to fade a bit. But not enough to where she would lose sight of it. The paths would always run parallel to each other and she would always love both of the paths, but her heart had chosen. This was the right path for her.

She became overwhelmed by a great, bright light.

She woke with a start. She looked around to see she was no longer on the couch, but in her own bed. Her room. Alfred and Matthew must have carried her there.

She laid back down and let herself be engulfed in the warmth of her comforter. After a while she got up, when her feet meet the cold floor she shivered. She reached over to her dresser, pulled out a pair of blue socks, and slipped them on.

She got out of bed and approached the nearest window. She wiped away some of the fog the cold weather had caused to form, and looked out at the surrounding houses and ground all covered in perfectly white snow. It was a wonderfully beautiful winter day. Everything was back to normal. Except one thing would soon have to change.

She wished she could have lived as she did before all of these feelings arose, but she could not deny the way she felt, she had made her choice. The Right Path. She had chosen the Right Path and she knew deep within that this was the path she was always meant to take.

She walked over to the other side of the room, to the door. She was scared to leave her room because she knew once she left there would be no going back. But she couldn't stay locked in her room forever, so she turned the knob and pushed the door open.

As she stepped out into the hallway she heard another door open. She turned her head to see Matthew coming out of his bedroom pulling a red hoodie over his head. Once he managed to get his head through, he saw her starting at the other side of the hall. He walked over to her with a smile on his face.

"Good Morning (Y/N)" he said politely.

"Good Morning."

"H-How are you feeling?"

"Fine, thanks for asking."

"I-I..." he hesitated, " I'm really sorry about last night... We both are..."

"It's okay Matthew. I understand, you were both just worried."

Matthew smiled in relief. "Thank goodness..." the two were silent for a few seconds.

"Want to help me make some pancakes?"


The two went downstairs and began preparing breakfast. Not long after Alfred came down. When he walked over to (Y/N) first and offered her a hug, which she accepted.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better than ever" she responded.

Alfred smiled warmly at her.

"The pancakes are almost ready if you two want to take a seat." Matthew said.

The three of them sat and ate a wonderful breakfast together. (Y/N) apologised for overreacting and running off, while the brothers apologised for fighting as well... as well as what else they may have done to frighten her off.

(Y/N) sighed and put down her fork. "That's... actually what I wanted to talk to you two about" she said shyly, "About what happened that night..."

"(Y/N) Alfred didn't mean to what he said to me," Matthew responded.

"Yeah... I was just... worried... scared..." Alfred continued.

"No... not that... the... other things that happened that night."

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