Chapter 2

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Woozi's POV

7 missed calls. 7 times Seungcheol called while I was crying in my bedroom. I didn't answer any of them because I know he'll just say he's sorry. I don't want to hear that. I want him to say that everything he said was a lie and that he loves me. Not Jeonghan. I know that won't ever come true.

How could I be so foolish? Why didn't I see Seungcheol's secret glances to Jeonghan. Why didn't I see the way Seungcheol would blush when Jeonghan touches him. I heard my phone ring and I groaned, I should just block Seungcheol's number, but I can't. I can't do anything but continue loving him. No matter how painful my heart is. No matter how much he broke my heart, I still continue loving him.

I've know Seungcheol long than any of our friends. I've known him for so long, way before people even called him S.Coups. So why did he choose Jeonghan?

Sadness turned to jealousy. Why was I not pretty like Jeonghan? Why wasn't I Jeonghan? I wish I was Jeonghan. The boy that Seungcheol loves. But I'm just Jihoon, the boy that has a broken heart.

It was Friday so I didn't have school the next day. That's all I needed. I wanted to be alone. I don't want anyone seeing me like this, I don't want them to be sad for me. If I see one sympathetic face, I would just be reminded of all the heartache Seungcheol gave me.

Saturday, I was in my bedroom. Sunday came, Joshua and Seungkwan visited me. I told them everything.

"I can't believe Seungcheol likes Jeonghan" Joshua said. I agree.

"Don't think about him Woozi-hyung, he doesn't realize how much he's missing. You're a cutie pie!" Seungkwan exclaimed.

"I'm not cute." I grumbled.

I'm glad I was with my friends, they helped me take my mind to different things other than Seungcheol. It's hard because everywhere I look he's there. To the pictures on my wall, to the commercial on the t.v with the catchy tune he hated. He's everywhere, he's in my heart but I'm not in his.

I seriously can't wait for Monday.


I know chapter one was told through 3rd person so whenever you just see the name only, it would be told by third person but when you see POV next to the name it would be like the character is telling the story

ANYWAYS sorry for the not so good chapter, I was bored and had nothing else to do. if you're wondering when hoshi will come in don't worry because he's near

sorry for the super short chapters i'll do my best to make them longer!

<3 soonhooney

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