Chapter 15

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Hoshi's POV

I woke up, immediately my body starts to ache as I try to sit up. I looked around me and saw that there was no one there except Seungcheol. He was sitting beside me, texting someone. Proabably Jeonghan. His eyes moved up and saw that I was already awake.

"Where's Jihoon? How is he? What about the three other guys?" I asked. Seungcheol just laughed at my worried face and told me to calm down. He stood up and handed me a glass of water, which I gladly accepted, and sat back down.

"Relax, Jihoon's fine. He's just in the ER because he broke his arm. As for the assholes who tried to beat up Jihoon, well, I heard that they would be suspended from their school. It's funny because Mr. Seokjin thought they were from our school but the principal called their principal and everything's settled."

"What about Won Hana?" I remembered her smirk the time I saw her at the cafeteria. That witch I thought to myself.

"Suspended. Don't worry, Jihoon is safe." Seungcheol reassured me.


Seungcheol drove me home, ignoring my protests that I wanted to see Jihoon and see if he's okay. He just ignored me and told me that he is okay. We stopped in front of my house and I sighed. I thanked Seungcheol and got out of the car but suddenly felt suspicious because he also got out and pulled out his phone.

I ignored it though and opened my front door and was greeted by all my friends' faces but that wasn't what surprised me. There in the middle, I saw Jihoon with a cast on his left arm, standing there and smiling. I looked at my side and saw that Seungcheol was filming my reaction.

Jihoon stepped forward and cleared his throat, making everyone go silent. I grinned and walked over to him and asked "What's this?"

"Well, I wanted to surprise you. Thank you for saving me, Soonyoung."

I smiled widely and held Jihoon on his waist which made him blush and made me smile even more. "Of course, I'm always there to protect you."

"Thanks." Jihoon looked up at me and smiled. He looked around and blushed even more. "Guys! Turn your cameras off! It's embarrassing!" I chuckled and held Jihoon's chin and made him face me.

"Jihoon, will you be mine?" I asked and Jihoon grinned.

"Of course. I love you, Soonyoung." I screamed internally.

Jihoon looked at our friends again, ordering them to 'turn their damn phones off' but of course, nobody listened.

"Let them keep it on, Jihoon." He looked at me confused and I just smirked. "So this moment will always live forever."

I leaned in and closed the space between me and Jihoon's lips. I closed my eyes and Jihoon did as well. His lips were soft and molded perfectly on mine. He tasted like mint and I know I can never be tired of that flavor. (A/N I was supposed to type in "his flavor" but it sounded dirty if u kno what I mean ahem)

We both pulled away and I did the cringiest but cutest pout I could ever do. Jihoon just smacked me and buried his face on my chest, clearly embarrassed that everyone in the room, except us, recorded our first kiss.


"My eyes!"

"Take it further! Haha!"

"Oh my god! Wonwoo, Don't say that!"

"Yeah! Dino's here!"


We both laughed at our friends' reactions and I held Jihoon's hand. He kissed my cheek as we approached our friends who congratulated us. I got pats in the back and my poor Jihoon was teased for the whole night.

Our friends decided they would stay a little longer and watch a movie. We were all gathered in the living room and I looked to my side to stare at Jihoon who was cuddling with me.

I can't believe this wonderful boy is mine. I'm so grateful and happy that I could be his. Jihoon must've felt eyes on him because he looked up and smiled.

"I'm glad you moved to our school." Jihoon pecked my lips.

"Me too."

The end.





Fast forward years later.

Highschool sweethearts, Jihoon and Soonyoung are still together. Everyone's still in touch. Jihoon got a job at a music company for being a producer and composer. Soonyoung, who didn't want to be away from Jihoon at work, took a job at the same music company and became many idols' dance instructor and choreographer.

Lately, Jihoon and Soonyoung are planning to adopt a second child as well.

They're planning on getting a mini poodle so their other dog, a Husky, won't feel so lonely. Jihoon doesn't like calling their dogs 'their children' but Soonyoung thinks it's cute so he just goes with the flow.

Aside from a second dog-slash-child, Soonyoung has been planning something that could change their lives forever.


You checked your mail while sitting on the sofa. Most of the letters you got were just junk mail and promos but one letter caught your eye. You held the white envelope on your hand and smiled. It came from Jihoon and Soonyoung.

For: Y/N

From: SoonHoon

Chuckling at the name of the sender, Soonyoung probably wrote this since he really thinks him and Jihoon's ship name was cute, you took out the piece of paper from the envelope. It read,

You are formally invited to the wedding of

Kwon Sonyoung


Lee Jihoon

at Pledis Gardens in June 17th

The End. (For real)


It's the end I just wanna say thank you for reading my story and sorry because the ending sucked ;-; but im pretty proud of myself for finally finishing my first wattpad story. Watch out because I will improve my writing and write more books!

And I made up that wedding invitation lmao idk what an actually invitation looks like but yeh


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