Chapter 5

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Woozi's POV

Hoshi was... interesting.

I don't know what happened to me but I found myself blushing after Hoshi's hug. His voice was so soft as he whispered in my ear to not be sad. Honestly, I would probably melt when I hear him sing. I entered my house and greeted my mother who was cooking dinner and headed for my room. I wanted to sit down and think about my feelings towards Hoshi. I was confused, he had this effect on me that would send shivers down my spine and I just met him!

When we made eye contact during class, I quickly looked down on my notebook to avoid anyone seeing my blushing face. When I shook his hand when we met, I wanted to just keep holding his hands. These feelings are confusing me. The only time I had these kinds of feelings and thoughts was when I am with Seungcheol.

Oh no, please don't tell me I'm starting to like Soonyoung. I still like Seungcheol but Soonyoung came along and made me start having feelings for him. What if he breaks my heart like what Seungcheol did? What if he likes someone else?

I don't want this to happen. I'm going to block these feelings for Hoshi and I'm going to force myself to stop liking Seungcheol. I don't want my heart to break twice. I groaned in frustration when I heard my phone buzz, meaning someone had texted me.

Message from HOOOOSHII

What bad timing, I said to myself. Also, why would he put that name?

Changed name to Hoshi


Woozi: Don't call me that.

We continue texting for the whole night, usually just Soonyoung telling me random stuff and me half-heartedly replying. I don't want to be too close to him. I don't want another broken heart.

Woozi: I'm going to sleep now

Hoshi: Sweet dreams, sleep well! <4

He's so cheesy and how he sent the heart emoji wrong made him even cuter and I can't resist my smile. I didn't reply anymore and just slept. Maybe liking Hoshi won't be a bad thing.

Hoshi's POV

It was the next day and I couldn't wait to see Jihoon's beautiful face. I skipped merrily to school, hoping I could see him again.

I was daydreaming about Jihoon in class when Hansol nudged on my arm.

"You look extra cheerful today?" He said as he raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing"

"He's thinking about his boyfriend, Jihoon" DK joined in on the conversation. I blushed and tried to say something but my friends just made fun of me and my blushing cheeks.

"I can't help it! He's so adorable!" I said, still blushing and my friends just continued laughing. I tried to shush them before the teacher see but really I just want them to stop before my face heats up even more that you can cook eggs on my cheeks.

Finally, the class ended and I said goodbye to Hansol and DK and walked to my next class. Well, ran to my next class since Jihoon would be there and I want the seat next to him.

As I entered the classroom, my smile dropped. I saw some guy with black hair trying to talk to Jihoon and Jihoon looked like he was ready to cry. I bet that guy is the reason why my loved one is sad lately. Jihoon was shaking his head, refusing to talk to the unknown guy but the guy just kept on pushing and trying to talk to Jihoon. It was really obvious but the guy didn't seem to care about personal space. I started to get angry because I don't want to see Jihoon like this, I mean, he was shaking his head and tears were threatening to fall down his face.

I started to walk to their direction.


cliffhanger??? sorry bout that lol (or am i?)

thanks for reading and give me your thoughts!! sorry for any typos i promise i'll check the chapters when im not lazy ;-;

and can we please talk about the pic attached?? MY SOONHOON FEELS

<3 soonhooney 

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