Chapter 4

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Hoshi's POV

I was sitting in class observing the pink-haired dude named Woozi. I gotta admit, he's cute. I kinda want to take him out on a date but not now since he had some issues going on the last time I met him. I felt my phone vibrate. I glanced to the teacher whose name I forgot before I checked to see who texted.

It was my new friend DK. His real name is actually Seokmin but the group I met (and befriended) calls him DK so I just go with the flow. DK, and his friends, Wonwoo, Vernon, Minghao and Jun introduced themselves to me during lunch and asked if they would be my friends.

I'm glad they came to me because if they didn't, well, I would be the lonely new guy. Anyways, DK and the rest gave me their numbers before we split ways.

I glanced one more time to the teacher before looking at the text.

DK: checking out jihoon eh? ;)

My cheeks started to heat up as I looked at DK who was one seat behind me. He was wiggling his eyebrows up and down then started typing on his phone again.

DK: heard he's signle

Hosh: *single

Not knowing what else to respond, I put my phone back in my pocket and playfully glared at DK. I could hear him chuckling behind me and apparently Woozi, who has at the row in front of me heard because he looked back to see the source of the noise. His curious face is so cute. I just want to pinch his cheeks.

We made eye contact and being my awkward dorky self, all I did was look down and blush so hard. I can feel the embarrassment seeping out of my body while DK was just holding his laughter behind me.

After a million years, the first day in my new school has finally ended. For the first day, well for me anyways, it was okay. I got to see a cute guy and meet new people. I said bye to my new friends and walked to my house. I was listening to music when I noticed a familiar short, pink-haired boy at the other side of the street. I debated to just continue walking home but I saw his expression, it was sad. I felt so bad because I just saw him cry before. I suddenly felt the need to comfort him. No one that precious and adorable should be sad so I made my way to the other side of the street and tapped on his shoulder.

Woozi must be deep in thought because he jumped and held back a scream. He looked at me and his face looked like he was contemplating hitting me with a guitar or something.

He sighed "Hi Soonyoung"

"I told you, I prefer being called Hoshi" I walked beside him and smiled. I hope he finds me cute too.

"Why are you following me?"

I chuckled "I'm not following you, this is the path to my house. I think."

Jihoon just nodded and didn't say a word. I took a quick glance at him and saw he was looking down and his face was frowning. What was he thinking about?

"Seriously, what's wrong? I know we just met but I don't like seeing people sad." He looked at me and I stopped myself from kissing him. Wait, what was I thinking? Do I have a crush on him? Nah, he's just cute. He's probably straight too.

"We just met and you sound like you care so much." Jihoon said, breaking my train of thoughts.

"I'm just a caring guy." I shrugged. He sighed and suddenly stopped in front of a house.

"Sorry Soonyo- I mean Hoshi, but this where I live. Maybe some other time." He smiled at me. Cute.

He started walking towards his front door when I called out for him.

"Wait!" I said as I ran to him "Can you at least give me your number? Got no one to talk to." I lied, I had my friends to text me but if I had his number, he'll be the only one I'll reply to. Sorry guys!

"Sure" He gave me his phone and I dialed my number while I gave him my phone and let him put down his number. I saw that he was typing down on my phone so I snapped a quick selfie.

We gave each other our phones back and he was just about to turn around when I quickly hugged him. I don't know what got into my head but I was glad I hugged him. Jihoon was shocked from the sudden hug but he started awkwardly patting my back. CUTE.

Before I break the hug, I whispered into his ear "Please don't be sad anymore". I let go and his face was so red. I'm actually proud I made him blush and started walking towards my house.

I will do whatever it takes so make him happy.


this is just a filler chapter and omg hoshi has feelings for woozi aw

thanks for reading and share your thoughts! more chapters to come and sorry if the chapters has some typos in it because i haven't checked yet!

btw i changed the cover, i like this new one more but if you have a cover for my story feel free to submit it at my tumblr

<3 soonhooney

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