Chapter 11

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Woozi's POV

It was a rainy day today as I was walking to my school. Luckily, I had my umbrella with me although I still get slightly soaked due to the wind. I was struggling to hold my umbrella upright because the wind suddenly turned stronger. I heard a car at my side and looked at it in envy. If only someone drove me anywhere, I won't get wet and I'd never have to walk again.

The vehicle passed by me and stopped a few steps in front of me. As I passed by it, the passenger door opened and saw that Soonyoung was in the driver's seat. He grinned at me and motioned for me to get in the car.

"Come in! Quick!" He said. I gladly took the offer and folded (idk the correct word) the umbrella and stepped inside the car. I sighed in relief, glad to finally sit down after a difficult walk. Don't get me wrong, I always walk to school and it's fine but the rain and wind made it harder and irritating.

"Thanks Soonyoungie!" I smiled at him. He just chuckled at me for acting cute and started driving. While I just mentally cringed at my actions. He started talking about how he started his day and something about him never cooking eggs again while I just nodded and responded sometimes.

I liked these moments. Just me and him. No one disturbing us. My thoughts were stopped when I realized the car stopped moving and saw that we have arrived school.

"Just leave your umbrella here, I could drive you home later. It seems the rain won't stop for a while" Soonyoung said while taking off his seatbelt and removing his keys. I thanked him once again and we stepped out of the car.

We went to our first class together and as soon as it was done, we separated to go to our next classes. I sat in my class which was History. We weren't really doing anything because the teacher just put in a long history film for us to watch. I already watched it so it gave me time to think. Think about my feelings for Seungcheol and Soonyoung.

I still have feelings for Seungcheol and I'm still heartbroken. Whenever I see him with Jeonghan, I just smile sadly and think that we can never do that. Slowly, I'm starting to accept it and managed to hold short conversations with my old friend. With Soonyoung, my day lights up. I can still imagine myself with him. He was my comfort and my escape from all the troubles I have.

Class ended which means it was time for lunch. I sprinted out the classroom, craving for a burger and maybe seeing Soonyoung. I was going to go to my locker first to deposit some stuff when I saw something that shattered my heart. It was Soonyoung pressed against a wall with a girl all over him.

By the looks of it, the girl is flirting with Soonyoung and rubbing her hands on his shoulders and arms. She had this seductive smile on and her eyes were screaming "Make out with me!"

I rushed to my locker, which was not so far away from the two and quickly did what I had to do while not making eye contact with Soonyoung. I turned my back on the disgusting couple when I heard Soonyoung call for me.

"Jihoon, wait!" I heard him say. I stopped myself and wiped the tear that fell on my eye. I didn't look behind me and just ignored him.

I have finally arrived the cafeteria and quickly got my food. I walked over to my friends' table and saw that Soonyoung's friends are there too. Great, that means if he will eat then he'll sit here. I sat inbetween Jun and Seungkwan with Jeonghan and Seungcheol right infront of me. Seungcheol was feeding Jeonghan a piece of his food. For some reason, I'm more hurt with seeing a girl with Soonyoung than this.

"Hi Jihoon, are you okay?" Jun frowned. I placed my food on the table but I lost my appetite.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks" I said, trying my best to put on a fake smile. Jun just nodded and continued talking to Minghao who was on his other side. Jeonghan and Seungcheol noticed my mood and Seungcheol stopped feeding Jeonghan and sat there awkwardly.

"Sorry" Seungcheol said, scratching his head. They probably thought my sad expression was from their PDA.

"It's not you" I grumbled, picking on my food and not bothering to eat it.

"Is it Soonyoung-hyung?" Seungkwan asked, putting his arm around my shoulder to comfort me. I just stayed quiet. I didn't want to think about what I just saw a few minutes ago.

"The new kid? Seriously? Jihoon, if he's hurting you then tell me. I'll teach him a lesson." Seungcheol said, he always acted like my big protective brother. Jeonghan tried calming him down, telling him not to do anything foolish.

"Hyung, Please tell me what happened. So I can comfort you." Seungkwan said, I chuckled softly at him.

"I thought he had feelings for me you know? But I just saw him..." I grimaced at the memory of him and the girl. Her name was Won Hana, she was a grade younger than us so she was a second year. I know her because she tried hitting on Mingyu. Emphasis on tried. Now that I think of it, I remember she also tried being with Minghao last year.

Now her next target was Soonyoung.

"What is it, Jihoon?" Jeonghan asked. My three friends looked at me in concern so I gave in and told them that I saw Hana being a little too friendly with Soonyoung at the lockers.

Seungkwan cringed, remembering the time Hana tried flirting with Mingyu but he just turned her down. "Damn, that girl just thinks about nothing else but her love life." He said while the rest of us just nodded in agreement.

Seungcheol glared at something behind me and when I turned around, I saw Soonyoung entering the cafeteria but he was alone. His eyes were moving around until they landed on me. He saw us and walked his way to our table.


I didn't know what name i should give the girl so i asked my friend and she randomly made up that name lol shoutout to my friend who didn't want to be named lmao

i didn't have internet for a whole day i thought i would die jk i quickly read this so hopefully there arent any errors

<3 leejihunie

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