Chapter 6

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Woozi's POV

I was early when I went to my classroom so I sat in my usual seat next to the window. I looked outside and observed my fellow students. They looked so happy. I wish I was happy again. I sighed when I saw a couple holding hands. I used to imagine me and Seungcheol would do the same but now all I can see is him and Jeonghan holding each other's hands. 

Someone had pulled the chair right beside me and sat down. I didn't bother looking until I saw the reflection of the person on the window glass. I held back a gasp and turned to see the boy I can never have. 

"What do you want Seungcheol?" I said in a low voice. I'm still not ready to talk to him, I still feel so embarrassed when I see him and remember how he rejected me by saying he confessed to Jeonghan. Knowing him, he would not give up until I said a word to him so I readied myself not to cry and be strong. 

"Woozi...I'm so sorry. You don't know how bad I feel." Seungcheol said, he tried to place his hand on my shoulder but I just shrugged it off. 

"You don't know how bad I feel. You don't know how it feels to be rejected by someone you love." I used up all my strength to stop myself from crying. Especially when I saw him flinch when I said the word 'love'. 

"We need to talk, so it's all over. Please" 

"No, I'm not ready" I said. I could feel my eyes starting to water.

"Please...Jihoon." Seungchel said, I really don't want to talk. He tried to put his hand on my shoulder again but I just pushed it away. I feel so weak and broken.

I was about to say 'no' again when I saw Hoshi behind Seungcheol.

Hoshi cleared his throat, "Excuse me, that's my seat"

Seungcheol looked annoyed as he looked at Hoshi. He didn't stand from the seat and simply said "Can't you see I'm trying to talk to my friend". 

'friend' I hate that word. I looked at Hoshi and saw that he had a straight face and was completely emotionless as he said "Class is starting soon. Please move."

Seungcheol stood and moved closer to Hoshi, they were now face to face. I was afraid they would fight and cause attention so I also stood up and stood at the middle of them. 

"P-please stop" I said in a quiet voice. Seungcheol's face softened but looked suspicious as he looked at Hoshi then back at me. It was now painfully silent until Seungcheol said "fine" and went to his seat at the back.

I was relieved as I took my seat again and Hoshi took his right beside me. I glanced at him and saw that he was staring. I blushed and said a small 'thank you' to him then started playing with my fingers, avoiding any eye contact from him.

"Is he the reason why you rarely smile?" Hoshi said. I looked at him and he showed a genuine look of concern that made my heart melt. 

"Y-yeah" I stuttered. I don't like talking about my problems but he felt so comforting that I felt I needed to tell him. 

"Please tell me why." Hoshi said, he moved closer to me and I raised my head to see that his face was close to mine. I gulped, what a  bad time to blush and suddenly be shy.

"Meet me at the roof. Lunch time" I simply said. I don't want him to notice my blushing face so I looked down. I didn't say any other words as I'm afraid I'll be a stuttering mess. 

He looked confused and was about to say something when the teacher came. I tried my best to focus on the lesson but my mind was thinking of other things. Thinking of Seungcheol. Thinking of Hoshi.


yo shoutout to the first people who voted for my story. U da real mvp! <3

comment on what u thought of this chapter and if u have suggestions! and check out my new story, it's called "Seventeen Instant Messaging" tbh it's just some random conversations of Seventeen i made up when im bored or if i cant think of anything to write here

<3 soonhooney 

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