Chapter 12

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Hoshi's POV (not proof read)

I was putting my books inside my locker when I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see a girl, smirking behind me. At first, you'd think she looked like your typical girl-next-door but I can sense she wasn't kind or funny at all. I didn't recognize her so I doubt she's from the same year as me. Maybe younger?

"Can I help you?" I asked. The girl just stood there and her eyes were moving up and down. Yuck, she was checking me out. Sorry, but no thank you. 

Her eyes landed on my own and smirked again. "Let me introduce myself, I'm Won Hana. You and I, Soonyoung-oppa,..." What the fuck? She knows my name. "...will grow really close. I won't let you out of my sight." She said.

She started moving forward so I instinctively moved backward. "I heard you were single..." She said, still had that ugly smirk on her face. She placed her hand on my arm and slowly moved it up and down. I was starting to get nervous, who is this girl? 

I heard footsteps and saw Jihoon walking over to his locker, I felt so relieved inside and was about to call him when this Hana girl placed her finger on my mouth "Shh.." She whispered seductively. I tried making eye contact with Jihoon but he wouldn't look here. It was like he was avoiding me. 

Jihoon started walking away and I've had enough. I escaped from the girl's grasp while ignoring her calls for me. I tried running to Jihoon but he was too far away and whenever I called his name, he won't turn around. I stopped chasing after him and panicked. Did he think I was with Won Hana? I barely even met her and I don't like girls. I only like Jihoon.

I started walking to the cafeteria. I guess he would be there since it was lunch time. I opened the door to the cafeteria and looked around for him or atleast any of his friends. My eyes stopped at a guy with long hair and figured it was Jeonghan and just in front of him was Jihoon. He was already looking at me and we had eye contact. I started walking over to their table and notice Seungcheol glaring at me but I didn't care because my focus was on Jihoon. 

When I came over, he turned his back on me and ate his food quietly. "Jihoon, whatever you saw a while ago. That's not what it looks like." I said pleadingly. He just ignored me and didn't turn around. I could feel my eyes water and I placed my hand on his shoulder and turned him around. "Jihoon, please."

He stood up and ran. I was about to run after him and I felt someone pull me back. It was Jun, I looked around the table and saw our friends looking at me, waiting for an explanation. 

"Let go, Jun. I need to go after him." I said but he just stopped me and told me to sit down. I gave up and figured I won't win against 11 other guys. 

"What happened?" Joshua asked. I sighed and told them about Jihoon seeing me with a girl named Won Hana.

Mingyu and Minghao gasped after hearing that name and the rest of the boys had angry and disgusted faces. Did they have a history with this girl?

"Do you know her? What don't I know? Tell me!" I said. 

"Won Hana tried to be with Mingyu and tried seducing him for a month until he turned her down." Jeonghan said while Mingyu just nodded.

"He also tried hitting on Minghao last year. When he turned her down, she threatened him." Wonwoo said.

"She told me she'll ask her brother and his friends to beat me up. I panicked and told Jun." Minghao said. Jun was rubbing his back, trying to comfort him. 

"What happened? Did they come after you?" I asked. Minghao shook his head and said that they immediately told the teacher so the boys were stopped. 

Seungkwan suddenly gasped. "Soonyoung! If she finds out you like Jihoon, she will hurt him!"

I chocked on my water. "How did you guys know?"

"It's so obvious! Soonyoung, If Jihoon gets hurt. I swear that you will receive double the pain from me" Seungcheol growled.

Lunch ended and I went to my next class, before earning a glare from Seungcheol and an apologetic look from Jeonghan. The whole day Jihoon ignored me.

School ended but I was left behind in the classroom because I was assigned to clean it today. After I finished, I went out to see Jihoon sitting on the bench. He looked like he was waiting for someone. I was about to call him but I saw Seungcheol appear and he ran to him. Seungcheol draped his arm over Jihoon's shoulder and he laughed at something the taller said.

I felt jealousy on me and couldn't help but follow them. I was behind them and if only they turned around then they would see me from afar. My ears hurt when I heard someone screeching "Soonyoung-oppa!". I turned around to see Hana run to me and hugged him. I quickly pushed off me and turned to see Seungcheol and Jihoon looking at me. 

Jihoon waved a quick goodbye to Seungcheol and ran away. I turned to Hana "Hana, please leave me alone. I don't like you. I like someone else and you can NEVER change that!" I said. Her eyes started tearing up and I almost fell for her sad act and apologize. When she saw that my face wasn't softening, she wiped her tears and straightened her exposure. 

"I will make you like me. Even if you don't want to." She smirked and walked away. 

I turned around to see Seungcheol walking over to me and glaring at me. When was he never not glaring at me?

"Seriously, what is wrong with you?! Can't you see Jihoon is hurting and you managed to make his heart break even more!" He said

"Weren't you the one who hurt his heart at the first place?!"

Seungcheol hesitated before saying "I'm trying, Soonyoung. I'm doing the best I can to make it up to him. He was getting better until he saw you flirting with that girl!"

"I wasn't flirting with her! I even turned her down! I just want him to be happy, Seungcheol but all I did was hurt even more." This time, I couldn't stop myself from sobbing.

"I don't know what you will do, but do it fast. Talk to Jihoon." He said and walked away.

I just continued sobbing. I was a mess.


But what I didn't notice was Hana eavesdropping on our argument behind one of the trees. "So you like Lee Jihoon? Not for long." She said to herself and left Soonyoung there to cry.

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