Chapter 10

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Woozi's POV

I can't believe he kissed me. I don't even know why I'm freaking  out since he only kissed my forehead. What makes me even more freak out is how soft his lips were. I imagined the feeling of his lips on mine and him deepening it and... Wait, what am I thinking?

When he kissed my forehead, it was the kind that lasted only for 1 second but it felt like a million years and how he slowly separated his lips from my skin was agonizing. If I enjoyed his lips on my forehead, what would I do if it was on other places?

There I go again, I pushed the dirty thoughts off my head and it left me blushing. I looked around trying to act normally but I see the smirks and side-glances of my friends. If I was paranoid, I'd think they were planning this. I doubt it, since Soonyoung probably didn't think much of the kiss.

"Well, I'm bored now!" Seungkwan exclaimed.

"And tired." Vernon said.

We all stood up getting ready to sleep, Joshua cleaning up the mess we made and Seungkwan throwing away the papers full of dares and truth questions. I figured this was the time to change into my pajamas so I grabbed a loose white shirt and my pajama pants and headed to the washroom near the kitchen.

I quickly got in the washroom and forgot to lock the door. As I was done changing my pants, I took off my shirt and just as I was about to pick up my loose shirt, the door swung open. And I screamed. Loudly.

Hoshi's POV

I was playing games in my phone while everyone else was doing their thing when I heard something drop and the voice of Mingyu cursing. I looked over to the source of the noise and saw that Mingyu spilled some juice on the floor and him bending down to grab the cup he dropped.

"Oh, clumsy me." Mingyu said, I swear I saw a smirk on his face for a second.

Joshua came to Mingyu and saw the juice-covered floor and turned to me,

"Hey Soonyoung, can you get the paper towels in the washroom? First door on the right." Joshua said, pointing to the washroom door that was closed.

"Is someone in there?" I asked

"Nah, we just keep the door closed. No one's in there." Joshua said. I stood up and headed to the washroom. I saw the lights were turned on but I ignored it since Joshua did say no one was in there.

I swung open the wooden door and was face-to-face with Jihoon and he was shirtless. I blushed and he shrieked, quickly picking up the white shirt he dropped and using it to cover the top half of his body but it was too late. I saw it all.

"What are you doing?" Jihoon said, his face and ears were now red and he was standing there awkwardly, still shirtless but covering himself with his big shirt. I just stood there, trying to process what just happened when Wonwoo ran to my side, probably curious from the scream he just heard from Jihoon.

"I.. uh... Joshua told me to um" I stuttered, my brain still not yet recovering from seeing a shirtless Jihoon. Wonwoo laughed at my attempt to talk and I blushed even harder.

Jihoon's face turned from shock to anger as he turned his back on us and quickly put on his shirt and grabbed his other clothes and chased Wonwoo. Yes, he chased Wonwoo, threatening to behead him with a spoon until Joshua calmed him down.

After everything calmed down, Joshua and Wonwoo were setting up the made-up beds on the living room floor infront of the T.V. It basically consisted of sleeping bags, huge blankets and fluffy pillows. The weather currently is cold so we were all huddled up and close to each other.

I still haven't apologized to Jihoon for the shirtless incident so I decided to walk up to him. He was lying on the very end of the "bed-pile" as DK called it. I claimed the spot next to his and sat down. Jihoon was reading a book and he didn't see me so I cleared my throat and he looked up from his book and saw me. He sighed and lied down, turning his back to me.

"I'm sorry for barging in like that, Joshua told me there were no people in there." I said. He sighed again and turned to me.

"Fine, you're forgiven" He said with a grumpy, yet cute, expression.

My face lit up and I lied down beside him so we were facing each other and I grinned "Thanks Jihoonie! You're the best!"

He blushed and did his cute grumpy face again "I'll get mad at you again if you call me that one more time!"

Meanwhile, at the other side of the room stood Seungkwan, Vernon and DK were smiling happily as they watched the two love-birds converse.

"I can't believe we didn't have to force Soonyoung to lie beside Jihoon!" Seungkwan said

"Of course he'll do that, he likes Jihoon too much" DK said, they both turned to Vernon who was taking pictures of Jihoon and Soonyoung and sending them to their friends who couldn't come to the sleepover.


filler chapter lol im in a slight writers block >.< but can we talk about jihoon's dirty thoughts wink jk

also rip to soonhooney i changed my username 

<3 leejihunie

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