Chapter 3

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Woozi's POV

I hate today. I don't want to go to school because I know I would see him. Luckily, He's not in my first few classes, that means I can have some alone time. Seungkwan walked me to school and he did his best to keep my mind out of Seungcheol. He was telling some story about his dream, I would nod and respond once in a while but I just kept looking down and thinking about that day when I confessed to him. Nothing can make me smile anymore. Nothing.

First period was Math. Honestly, who puts Math as the first subject. It's early in the morning and everyone is sleepy, nobody would pay attention. I'm usually attentive in class but right now all I wanted to do was take a nap, I was awake the whole night because my eyes hurt from crying and all I did was think about him. I was about to doze off when suddenly I heard the classroom door open.

The teacher stopped writing on the board and smiled to the boy standing at the doorway. I didn't recognize him so he was probably new. I didn't pay attention to him as I started dozing off again. I heard some faint words from the boy.

"Hello...moved here.....Kwon Soonyoung" was all I heard then I slept. I was awoken by one of my classmates telling me the class is almost ending. I thanked her then the bell rang. The students started packing up and the teacher was saying something.

"Be sure to give our new school mate, Soonyoung, a warm welcome!" He said.

Soonyoung. That's his name, I got to take a good look at him and he wasn't bad. He was actually cute with his light blue hair. He thanked the teacher and headed out of the class. I did too and went to the next one. Nothing happened really, I was beside my friend Mingyu and he also knew what happened between me and Seungcheol.

"What are you gonna do later? We always sit beside each other during breaks and you know he's going to be there." Mingyu said to me. Honestly, I forgot about that. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to scream at Seungcheol's face but I also wanted to kiss him. I'm so confused.

"I don't know, I guess I'll just eat and leave." I said. Mingyu gave me a sympathetic look and patted my shoulder.

"Everything will be okay at the end, don't worry hyung" He said. I hoped so. I wish everything will be okay at the end but I doubt it.

The bell rang meaning it was break time, Mingyu went to his locker and we agreed to meet at our usual table at the cafeteria.

I also went to my locker and stored some things in there until I felt a presence behind my locker door. I was shocked to see Jeonghan there. He smiled at me awkwardly and I did the same.

"I'm sorry" Jeonghan said and broke the awkward silence.

"I'm not mad at you, hyung" I said. I wasn't mad at him, I wanted to be him because then Seungcheol would love me. He would hold me close, cuddle with me and kiss me.

"Still, I didn't want to ruin your friendship with him. I didn't know you liked him too. He feels really bad about it. I won't date him if you want." Jeonghan said, he was looking down and I kind of felt sorry for him.

"Don't. Be with him. You're lucky to be with someone like Coups." I laughed, memories of us flooding in my mind. "Cherish him Jeonghan. I just need time to move one"

Jeonghan was surprised by my answer to him. He smiled softly to me "Thank you, Woozi"

I followed him to the cafeteria where I could see our group of friends. Joshua, Seungkwan, Mingyu, Dino and Seungcheol. He was laughing at something our maknae said. I tried to smile at his beautiful face but my heart would just hurt again. Jeonghan sat beside Seungcheol. They looked perfect together. I tried my best not to cry as I sat down at the very end of the table beside Joshua.

Joshua smiled at me and gave me a reassuring nod, I didn't do anything but just put a fake smile. Seungcheol noticed me and stood up to sit in front of me.

"Woozi, please, we need to talk" He said, he was now frowning and staring at me.

I looked at my snacks that I don't feel like eating anymore. "No." was all I said to him.

He wouldn't stop and just kept pushing "Please Jihoon" He was closer this time and I couldn't stop myself from blushing. I wanted to hate him, I really do but I just can't. I stood up causing my friends to stop talking and look at us. I started walking outside the cafeteria and I soon as I was outside, I ran again. I ran as fast as I could and ended up in one of the boy's washrooms. I was wiping my tears when I heard one of the stalls open and saw the new guy come out. What was his name again?

"Sorry" I said as I was wiping my tears frantically. I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

"It's okay, I'm Soonyoung by the way but I prefer being called Hoshi" So that's his name. He was holding out his hand for a handshake and I shyly shook it.

"Jihoon. Just call me Woozi" Was all I could say without my voice cracking from all the crying.

He frowned at me "What's wrong?"


"Something is wrong"

"I'm serious it's nothing"

Hoshi sighed "Fine, it's nice meeting you Woozi. See you later"

He smiled at me one last time and left. He was kind. He had soft hands. I wanted to see him again.


waaah they finally meet! hope you liked this chapter, im really bored at home so this is all i could do lol

i promise more soonhoon moments and they will be even sweeter than before thanks for reading!

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<3 soonhooney

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