Chapter 8

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Hoshi's POV

After the whole rooftop thing, me and Jihoon said goodbye to each other and went to our classes. Ever since that day, Jihoon started becoming comfortable around me and we would text each other every night. He would wave at me whenever he passes by me and would say hi. I was glad because who doesn't like being close to their crush? Maybe I would have a chance after all. 

The only downside is that Suengcheol would give me the stinky eye whenever he can. It's like he doesn't want me to be friends with Jihoon. That's confusing, why would he glare at me for spending time with Jihoon if he rejected him? Weird.

My thoughts were disturbed by the one and only Jihoon. It was the last class and the teacher seemed to be running late so my classmates were all over the place talking to each other. 

"Hi Jihoonie~" I grinned at him.

"Don't call me that." He glared but he was too cute that I couldn't take it seriously. I heard my friends, DK, Vernon and Wonwoo,  snickering behind Jihoon. 

"Anyways, " Jihoon said "Seungkwan.. told me to...uhh.. well, he's wondering if you want to join us at Joshua's house tomorrow? We're having a sleepover since Josh's parents are out of town."

"I don't know, my parents might not let me. I might not come" I playfully said.

"No! You need to go! It's going to be fun. Please Soonyoungie"

I blushed at the nickname and suddenly I'm speechless. Jihoon looked at me, waiting for my answer, when DK butted in the conversation

"We would love to join you guys!" He grinned "I'm sure Hoshi can go too"

Jihoon looked back and forth between me and my friends and sighed. "Fine, you can go too." 

My three friends cheered as I watch Jihoon walk over to Seungkwan who gave a thumbs up.  I couldn't concentrate in the class because all I could think about is being with Woozi for the whole night. Plus, my friends were being too rowdy and kept on telling jokes that were too cheesy but I still laugh anyways.

+*+*+*+ skip*+*+*+*+

I was packing my backpack for clothes and other stuff to bring for the materials when I realized I still don't know what Joshua's address is. I was about to text Jihoon when my doorbell rang and my dad called me to open it. I rand downstairs knowing it's my friends at the other side of the door. I opened to see them ready to go and led them to my room. 

"Do any of you guys know where Joshua's house is? I forgot to ask" I asked as I stuffed my pajama pants in my bag. 

"Yeah, Mingyu texted me it" Wonwoo said, showing us the address.

Vernon nudged Wonwoo's shoulder and teased the older "Ooh, you and Mingyu huh? Has he asked you out yet?"

"W-what? What are you talking about? We're friends" Wonwoo blushed and I heard DK say 'yeah right' from behind me.

"I'm ready, let's go. Wonwoo wants to see his boyfriend" I teased and he just groaned, covering his face with his hands. I said goodbye to my parents and Wonwoo lead the way to the house. 

I was both excited and nervous to see Jihoon and scared because Seungcheol might be there. If he was, I plan to ignore him and put all my focus on Jihoon.

When we arrived the house, we saw that it was fairly big and Vernon couldn't wait to get inside for some reason. He pushed the doorbell and seconds later, Joshua opened the door. He let us in and we followed him to the living room where the rest were watching cartoons. I looked around to see no Jeonghan or Seungcheol but my eyes landed on the pink-haired cutie who was sitting on the floor, watching Spongebob.

Wonwoo immediately walked over to Mingyu and started chatting him up while Vernon sat beside Seungkwan. It left me with Joshua and DK.

"Thanks for inviting us. Minghao and Jun couldn't come, they had extra Korean classes." I said

"It's alright, our younger friend Dino couldn't come too because his parents didn't let him." I couldn't stop myself from laughing and so did DK and Joshua. 

"How about Jeonghan and Seungcheol?" I asked timidly. Joshua was about to open his mouth when Jihoon spoke behind me.

"They're on a date" He grumbled. Oh shi*, shouldn't have asked that. Our laughing must have been noisy and Jihoon came at the wrong time.

I apologized but Jihoon just shrugged and grabbed my arm, which made me blush by the way, dragging me to the couch and we both sat down. The rest of our friends chose to sit on the floor because there was a carpet with pillows and bean bags. 

"Can you sit beside me? They want to watch a horror movie" Jihoon said, he was blushing and looking down in embarrassment and I just chuckled at how cute he his. 

I glanced at the T.V and saw that they were indeed putting the horror movie, Annabelle, in the DVD player. I put my around Jihoon's shoulder nonchalantly and said a quick 'sure'.

Joshua dimmed the lights on the living room and the movie started. I was alright with watching horror since I loved movies. Whenever me and my family had free time, we would always go to the cinema and see what films we can watch. Jihoon, on the other hand, was scared. Whenever slow music started playing, he would cover his eyes and ask me if "the scary part was done yet". 

Suddenly, there was a surprising scene and Jihoon didn't get to cover his eyes fast enough so he saw the whole seen and shrieked. He covered his face on my chest and held my shirt so hard. I was scared he would hear my heartbeat because it was going so fast. I'm glad the lights were dim and our friends sat on the floor, too engrossed on the movie, to see me blushing. My face was like a tomato. 

Even when the scary part ended, Jihoon still had his face on my chest and we ended up cuddling for the entire movie. I was okay with that and Jihoon was the one who started it which made me grin like an idiot. The movie ended and Joshua made the lights brighter and sadly, me and Jihoon stopped cuddling.

"I hate that movie" He grumbled. 

My arm was still around his shoulder and I used my other hand to pinch his cheek and said "You were cute" which made Jihoon's cheeks turn red. Little did we now, Seungkwan was secretly taking a picture with Vernon giggling beside him.

"Well since that's done, lets go play truth or dare" Mingyu smirked. Oh no.


more soonhoon moments next chapter although i might be late in uploading since i've been kinda busy

sorry if there are any typos, i didn't check again lol


<3 soonhooney

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