Chapter 1

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Gakushu x Reader

Chapter 1

Study hard. Work hard. Top your exams.

Those three things were all that your parents wanted from you. They always attempted to train you to be absolutely perfect. Nothing was accepted except for the number they eagerly awaited: 100/100.

Even then, the exams were meant to be challenging. Principal Asano had crafted them himself, and he was constantly pushing your class, 3-A, to the point of breaking. Every day, you would have to cram formulas in your brain, trying to keep them there, while your parents are yelling at you from the sidelines, scolding you for how you needed to be perfect.

However, you were beginning to feel that the exams have become too much of a priority. Of course, everyone wanted to get into their dream schools and fulfill their dreams, but it wasn't just doing good on it. The exams were pure competition. No one could beat the top 5. In fact, the one who had claimed first place every year was Gakushu Asano, son of the principal himself. It wasn't much of a surprise, especially since Principal Asano would do anything to make sure his spoiled son was clear in shoving his grades in all of your faces. You still excelled in school, especially since you had placed in the top 10 the majority of the time, but it wasn't enough. Not enough for your parents, or gaining respect in school.

All you could do was go with the flow, no matter how much you wanted to break your pencil and throw the textbook straight at the wall. There was no hope of topping the exams, no matter how hard you studied.

Well, the whole school system is messed up... you think to yourself with a loud sigh, as you trudge towards your classroom. As you enter, you pause to check the poster where the exam results were posted.

Ninth rank. Damn. Your parents would kill you for even that. They expected the best from you, but how do you do that if the students here have their knives at your throat? The top 5 always stays the same, no matter what, with the principal's son always lingering at the top. You clench your fists, angered that your efforts hadn't changed a thing, but you took a deep breath and calmly went to your desk. Being angry wouldn't change anything. It never did. But how many years did it take to take Gakushu down from the ranks? His father would never allow that. Not in a million years.

"Damn..." you mutter to yourself, before taking out your textbook and beginning your work. However, you suddenly feel the presence of someone standing near your desk. You jerk your head to the side to find Gakushu Asano himself, overlooking you carefully, his narrowed, violet eyes seeming to pierce through you.

"You better study harder if you are so determined to get a higher score on your exams, (Y/N)," he said slowly. "You don't want a lower ranked class to score higher than you, do you?"

You feel like gutting him in the stomach, but that would lead to nothing but a severe punishment. Groaning inwardly to yourself, you respond, "I will put my best efforts forth, Gakushu-kun." You clench your pencil tightly and kept your gaze on your textbook, hoping he would just leave your desk. His intimidating gaze, however, remained on you.

"It's the third year you've been in this school. I'd expect you to show some improvement."

You shake in your chair, trying to restrain your temper. He was exactly like his father, trying to encourage 95% of the students to work hard, and 5% of the students to be lazy. What type of crazy school had that goal in mind? And now the son of the principal himself expected you to go ahead and beat the brutal competition out there. Yeah, right.

Words began piling in your mouth, eager to be let out, but you couldn't just say anything you wanted to that spoiled brat. He wouldn't tolerate it.

"I'll make it a priority to achieve a higher score on the finals," you say through clenched teeth, as you shove your notebook on your desk with a little too much force. However, Gakushu didn't seem to notice. Eyes still narrowed, he strolled away to his desk, prideful and spoiled.

The rest of class was uneventful, unless when you took into account the fierce studying and writing until your hands felt like fire. Principal Asano's lessons always made your head feel like lead at the end of the day, but you had no choice. All you could do was follow along, the consequences for being in A class.

When the lesson had finally ended, the students began filing out of the room hurriedly. You take your time packing up your things, wondering how you could explain to your parents that you hadn't increased your ranking in the exam scores at all.

Then, you are about to stand up, but then you abruptly trip over a fallen pencil on the ground. You cry out as you hit the floor, banging against the metal of one of the desks. Your books began flying across the room as you rub your aching head.

"Ow..." you whisper to yourself, as you try to get up, only to collapse on the ground again.

The best way to end this terrible day... you think to yourself with a snort, as you sprawled on the floor foolishly. Stupid exams, stupid lessons.

Then, as you shake your head, you suddenly sight a hand being held out to you, offering to help you up. You stare at it for a second, and immediately take it, grateful that someone was there to help. However, when you look up, you find yourself face to face with Gakushu Asano.

Oh great. Out of all people, it had to be him to help out. He probably thought you were foolish and clumsy for tripping over a simple thing as a pencil.

You look up into his violet eyes, hostile and alert. You expect a retort or scolding from him, but surprisingly, he didn't utter a single word. Instead, you watched carefully as he began picking up your textbooks and notebook, and handed them to you. You accept the books, your feet still frozen to the ground.

You stare at him for a second, and suddenly blurted out, "My apologies, Gakushu-kun." You bow awkwardly in thanks for him helping you up, and quickly rush out of the room, cursing under your breath. It was nothing but an embarrassment to be helped by that spoiled brat. You hurry down the halls, wanting to keep as much of a distance between you and him as possible. He would only embarrass you further, and tell his spoiled friends about you not being able to walk. Your cheeks burned at the thought of it.

Before turning the corner of the hall, you hesitate for a split second, and looked back to find Gakushu still at the threshold of the classroom door, frozen in the same place. He made no move in following you. His violet eyes watched you, but they surprisingly didn't have that hostile glare.

In fact, those eyes now seemed to be filled with...guilt? Hurt?

You shake your head. Why would Gakushu feel hurt if you stormed out? He didn't care about anybody but himself and his grades.

But then again, why did he help you up in the first place? The way that Gakushu had looked at you was...different. Why else would he be staring at you like that?

You let out a deep breath, and continued storming down the halls. There was no way he would ever feel that way about you. He wasn't any different than anybody else.


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