Chapter 4

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When you entered class, you tried to focus on your work, but your heart just wasn't into it. Every few seconds, you would glance at Gakushu, who was busily taking notes in his notebook. There was just something about him that you couldn't decipher. The way that he had been acting the fast few just wasn't like him to go out and help you like that. Never in his life had he even interacted with you for the years you had been in junior high. But was all so different that it made your brain hurt just trying to think about it.

As you watched him from the corner of your eye, you saw him squint at the whiteboard, as he brushed his strawberry blonde hair out of his eyes, sighing to himself.

Hey, he actually looks kind of cute when he brushes the hair out of his eyes... you couldn't help but think to yourself, but then you recoiled at the thought of it. When did you start thinking that he was cute? It's not that you had any special feelings between him. It wasn't like he would ever agree, even if you did feel that way...

What the heck! Just focus on your work, (Y/N)! you thought to yourself, as you continued scribbling your notes with renewed energy.


You looked up at the clouds as you began walking home. The flash storm had ended, but you never knew when they would suddenly start up again. You suppressed a blush when you thought about how Gakushu had shared his umbrella with you, and you decided to hurry up in case you encountered him again. You decided you had enough today of him and his sudden strange behavior.

But then, you sighted Gakushu in the distance. Looks like you couldn't avoid him after all. He was right in your path, but he was standing around as if he were waiting for something.

You began walking past him, positive that he would ignore you instead of engaging in conversation. It's not like he would care talking to you. But you were surprised when he walked up to you instead.

"Hey, (Y/N), " he said, so suddenly that you nearly tripped and fell in shock. Gakushu had never actually greeted you properly, and he had nothing to gain from you. Why was he being so friendly all of the sudden? And he hadn't even said "san" at the end of your name, for once!

"H-hi, Gakushu-san..." you responded, as he stood next to you. What does he want from me?

"So, (Y/N), I heard that you aren't doing very well in math recently, " Gakushu said as he stared at you with his purple eyes.

"Er...yeah?" you responded uncertainly. You looked at him, and braced yourself, waiting for a retort of how terrible you were at math and that you needed to study harder.

But you nearly passed out when Gakushu said, "I was just thinking that I could go over to your house, and we can review some of your weak points."



"Are you serious?" you couldn't help but ask, as you stared at him in bewilderment. Why would he even want to help you? He could easily secure the first spot on the finals, without breaking a sweat. He didn't need to help anyone, especially you in particular. Yet here he was, offering you something like that so simply.

"What? Is there something wrong with that?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. You tried to make out a hint of hostility in his sharp eyes, trying to see if he was attempting to make a fool out of you. But all you sighted was pure confusion and curiosity.

"Well,, Gakushu-kun. I-I didn't mean it like that. It's just that...well, I didn't really think you would ever ask to help me. And I'm not really worth it. You'll make it to the top spot for sure..." You awkwardly finished with a little step to the side, as you averted your gaze from him.

Gakushu stayed silent for a moment, and you tried to read his perfect mind, wondering what in the world he was thinking about right now. Was it all just a set up, the things that he was doing to help you? Was he just trying to get something out of you? Tease you? But that didn't seem to be the case, strangely.

"I just thought that you needed some help in enhancing your skills. You can't just state that you aren't worth it, no matter what the ranks are for the finals."

Your jaw dropped to the floor. "What do you mean? Did you hit your head or something? I thought you always wanted to win or something like that, and the ranks were all that mattered!"

"Look, I just want to help you, so take it or leave it," he said a little harshly, as he picked up his school bag.

You watched as began walking away, no emotion on his face. For some reason, you felt a hollow pang in your stomach as you watched him walk away. You were giving away an opportunity of studying with him, but it wasn't like you cared, right? Except you couldn't ignore the pain in your gut of rejecting something like that...

You stared solemnly as he walked further away, trying not to look back. You didn't want to study with him anyway, especially if it was someone like him...


You couldn't just let him leave. 

Maybe you really should study with him? He has become strangely nicer the past few days. Perhaps you and him could be friends?

Your heart thudded harder, and Gakushu seemed to walk away almost in slow motion as your brain raced with emotions that you couldn't decipher. Should you have denied? Maybe you should tell him that you really did want to study with him...but was it worth it? Finally, you gave into the urge and swiftly ran after him.


Gakushu turned and tilted his head to the side. "What now?" he said, annoyance in his eyes.

"I'll study with you. I'll do it!" you blurted out before you could stop yourself.

He looked at you for a second, as you began perspiring sweat at the nervousness of it all. No doubt that he thought you were crazy for suddenly agreeing like that.

"Okay, then..." Gakushu responded, shrugging. "I'll come tomorrow after school, then."

"Y-yes!" you were able to splutter out.

He raked a hand through his hair. "Why do you look so nervous about it? I did offer to help you. It wasn't such a hard decision, was it?"

You thought he was going to send another insult for being so foolish, but instead, you saw a hint of amusement in his eyes. You sighed in relief.

"Well...I'm just confused that your helping me, but I'm glad, Gakushu-kun," you confessed, as you sheepishly looked away. "I should get going now."

You began walking away, your heart thudding hard against your chest. Gakushu was coming to your house. You couldn't believe it.

Perhaps if Gakushu had asked that question a couple of days ago, you would have disagreed. But thought that maybe you and him could be friends after all. It was a risk, but you were willing to take it.

Besides, you just couldn't forget how he had helped you, and he had even smiled. That meant something, right?

When you were sure that you were out of Gakushu's range, you began laughing hysterically to yourself, whooping and pumping your fists into the air.

To be honest...I'm happy that he asked me. I guess there are two sides to people, after all. Perhaps he really is a kind person.

You sighed and smiled to yourself, as you closed your eyes against the sunlight that had finally peeked out of the gray clouds.


Hope you enjoyed! Leave comments below for more suggestions, reader-chan!

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