Chapter 7

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After a while, Gakushu began hanging out with you more often, and even started eating lunch with you. You've never felt so happy. Even though you were just friends at the moment, you were still grateful.

Gakushu's friends always shot Gakushu strange looks as soon as he had started hanging out with you. But he no longer seems to mind too much about them. Besides, no one dares complain against Gakushu, the chairman's son.

You and him had even worked on an art project that you had done so good on that the teacher had insisted that she hang it up in the school lobby, out there for all to see. You felt honored about it, and grateful that Gakushu had been your partner. Now everyday, your heart would swell with pride as you visited it every day.

Things were going great. Even your grades have climbed higher, thanks to Gakushu's tutoring. You've never felt so excited in going to school than now.

If only I'd been friends with Gakushu sooner! you thought, smiling to yourself as you walked into the school building that day.


"(Y/N)-san, could I talk with you for a quick second?"

You turned at the sound of Gakushu's voice, and sighted him standing in the hallways, his back leaning against the brick wall.

It was lunch break, so most of the students had run to the lunch area, trying to get the best seats. However, Gakushu lingered behind, his eyes emotionless.

"What is it?" you responded, as you went over to him.

"Well, I was just thinking if you preferred to do a duet performance with me for the talent show. It is coming up, after all."

You nearly tripped in surprise. "Why are you asking me out of all people? You'll certainly get first place without me..." You sighed, recollecting your thoughts, and then continued, "I don't even like the talent show too much, nor do I have any of the talents that you have. Meanwhile, you'll swipe the gold medal so easily and--"

Gakushu interrupted you.

"Hold on, (Y/N). I didn't ask you to create a useless, hypothetical situation like that, did I? Your stressing yourself out," he said coldly.

"Oh...sorry, Gakushu," you apologized, feeling a little flustered as you bowed your head respectfully.

However, his cold face turned into a smirk when he sighted the pure dismay written all over your face. "You know, (Y/N), you give up way too easily."

You looked up, a little confused at his reaction. "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"You have to be more confident than that. That's all I'm saying." He chuckled a little. "At least try the talent show for once."

You blushed a little as he suddenly took your hands, fitting perfectly with yours. "I wouldn't be asking if I knew you couldn't do it, (Y/N)-chan."

You just looked down at the ground, sighing, your hands still entwined with his. "I-it's just...I'm practically talentless. I'm one of the lowest scoring in Class A, and I don't even know what school I'm aiming for after junior high. I'm not ready for this."

He suddenly kissed you on the cheek, and you felt your brain melting through your body. You let his lips remain there for a moment, smiling to yourself.

When Gakushu finally pulled away, he stared at you, his eyes shining, a strange look in his eyes that you had never seen before. You could see him blushing very slightly.

"I should have said it before...but I love you too."

You stared up at him cautiously, your eyes scanning his face. His eyes were filled with warmth and confidence. You couldn't believe it. You pinched yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming. But you knew you just couldn't dream up something like this.

"If you're saying so, then...I guess I could give the talent show a try..." you murmured uncertainly.

Gakushu nodded. "That's right. You have to strive to the biggest feat in order to accomplish something. Now, you better quit feeling so down. No need to have qualms over something as stupid as that."

You stared at him blankly. "What does "feat" mean? I don't see what feet have anything to do with it. And what is "qualms"? Some type of medicine?"

He groaned to himself, but he was smiling. "I told you to review your vocabulary. You can't ace the finals without it."

"You smart little brat..." you teased, your eyes shining.

Gakushu just nodded. "Let's get going, shall we? The band room is opened after school. Let's see what instrument you'll want to play for the talent show. Meet me after class."

You nodded, a little slowly, as he began walking away. When he disappeared down the corridor, you were the only student left in the vacant hallways.

You stood there for a second, a little dumbfounded as first. But then you grinned.

He had said "I love you, too". He had actually said it. Your thoughts whirled around that sentence for a second.

"YES!" you suddenly squealed, causing some teachers to peek out of their classrooms in annoyance as they shot glares at you, thinking you were crazy.

But you didn't even care. Because you knew only one thing...

You officially had a boyfriend.

Gakushu x Reader (Assassination Classroom Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now