Chapter 5

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As soon as you got home from school, you took the quickest shower in the world, and blow dried your hair. You whipped out all of your textbooks, neatened your desk about ten times, and continuously checked the window to see if Gakushu was coming. You felt jumpy and hyper, with a permanent grin on your face. You never guessed that you would ever want to be friends with him, but now that you had an opportunity, you felt emotions bubbling inside you.

"(Y/N), dear, what is up with you?"

You sighted your mother staring at you, a little bewildered as you gave her an unnaturally large smile.

"Oh, nothing. Just a friend coming over." You checked the windows once more, scanning the streets like a cat seeking prey.

Your mother walked up to you, suspicion on her face. "Who exactly is this friend of yours?"

"Asano Gakushu."

You saw your mother recoil in shock. "Really? I never thought you would be his friend. I thought you said you hated Asano."

"Well, I guess things are different now..." Your voice trailed off as you thought about the strange, new kindness you had discovered in his eyes when he had helped you, and his small, yet significant smile. He had never smiled at you until that day when the flash storm had occurred. But now, you felt grateful that he was showing another side of him.

"So..." your mother uttered, making you jerk out of your thoughts. "Is he your boyfriend?"

You jumped in place, eyes flaring with shock. "N-no, not like!" You never thought your mother out of all people would reach such a conclusion. You and him were just friends! You barely even knew Gakushu.

"Well, you'll hopefully get there one day. For now, though, you better focus on your schoolwork," your mother said, as she began walking out of the room and into her office. Before disappearing behind the threshold, though, she leaned back and said, "Call me if you need me!"

"Yes, mother!" you called back, as you sat on the edge of the couch, pouncing on it like crazy. Gakushu would be here any minute now...any minute...

When you heard the door bell ring, you literally tripped down the stairs, and ripped open the door like a crazed animal.

"Hey, (Y/N)--" Gakushu was about to say something, but stopped in mid-sentence as he stared at you in bewilderment. "Why are you wearing a dress?"

You looked away, scratching the back of your head. Maybe you had exaggerated this study visit a little too much...

"Forget that. Let's get to work. I've got all of the textbooks ready, extra paper, sharpened pencils, pens..."

Your voice trailed off as you made a mental list that you had everything. Then, you closed the door behind him and followed him into your house.

"So, we'll start with trigonometry, then..." Gakushu said, as he began shuffling through the papers with startling accuracy. He began reading out a bunch of formulas that made your head spin, but you knew that you had to know them to top your exams.

You and him focused on so many math concepts that it made your brain ache as you attempted to comprehend all of it. How did Gakushu ever learn this stuff?

Before you knew it, a couple of hours had already flew by. You knew it was tough work, but he had certainly helped a lot with studying.

"Thanks for helping, Gakushu-kun..." you said slowly, as you rubbed your aching head.

Gakushu just nodded in reply, his purple eyes emotionless. "Do you understand the concepts?"

"Yes, thanks to you," you whispered, smiling softly.

Suddenly, Gakushu walked up to you squarely, his eyes staring at you intently. He began walking closer to you, until his nose was dangerously close. Your eyes widened as you stared at him in bewilderment.

"W-what are you..." you protested, as he leaned closer and closer to you. You could smell his strawberry scent clearly, and you felt your face turn a little red.

But what happened next was the most surprising part.

You nearly cried out as he suddenly pecked at you on the cheek, his lips making contact with your cheeks. You felt yourself blushing hard, as you stared ahead in shock.


He pulled away slowly, his expression still serious and cold, but there was a light teasing in his eyes. You felt your face turn as red as a tomato.

"Y-you...why did you..." you choked out, as you tried to comprehend the situation. Your brain felt like it had been melted in hot lava, and your palms felt clammy. The place where Gakushu had kissed you still stung, and seemed to stick out like a sore thumb.

"Hope you do well on the finals, (Y/N)," Gakushu simply said, as if he hadn't just literally KISSED you! He was acting so natural, like it was nothing, kissing you on the cheek like that. You thought you were just beginning to become friends, but then...

You watched as Gakushu began walking towards the door, and gave you a small smile that made your heart leap into your mouth. Then, he walked out, leaving you staring at the ground in shock.

"W-what just happened?" you whispered to yourself, as you absentmindedly watched the place where Gakushu had been just a moment before.

Gakushu x Reader (Assassination Classroom Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now