Chapter 13

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I thought I'd make a chapter more about how Gakushu really struggles with two important things -- upholding his legacy in leading Class A, and staying with (Y/N). Can he really get past his own way of thinking?

Just a chapter to help start up the fact that I'm alive. Woohoo! (And the next update will be in a millenium... *crying*)




It was a powerful word. As much as this word is often said, true respect is hard to achieve. And, as much as you loved Gakushu, you were determined to make him understand. Class E was worthy of respect. That was all that was there to it.

But no one can break Gakushu's pride. Not even me. He's too...proud. As much as I hate to say this, he always tries to uphold his honor before anything else. That must be the reason why he fought with me yesterday...

Love and pride. He was being pulled apart in two directions that it was so strange. He was gentle one moment, and angered the next. That Asano was the most confusing person you have ever come across.

But then again, you've always wondered what Gakushu's relationship with his father was. As the chairman of the school, he always seems to create a strange gap between Class E and the rest of the campus. He pushed Class A hard to widen the distance, as if purposely trying to shame them. If there was someone scarier than Gakushu, it would definitely be Mr. Asano.

Perhaps he's just pressured. I've always wondered what his family life was like, especially since I've never been to his house. Is his father so cold all of the time?

"Hey, (Y/N)."

Gakushu's voice made you trample over your untied shoelaces, and you (not-so-gracefully) fell to the gritty surface of the road head-first.

"Warn me next time when you sneak up on me like that, alright?" you groaned, as he just stared at me with a slight smirk.

"My apologies. Didn't think you would freak out like that." He offered a hand to you to help you up, and you took it with a sarcastic look on your face.

"So, how's the business plan going for the cultural festival?" you asked, while shaking off the small chunks of dirt and pebble that had clung distastefully to your shirt.

He tentatively took out the thick sheet of papers from his bag and ran through them carefully. "They're all approved. We're ready to go."


"Damn, where did you get the time to do this?" you muttered, crossing your arms firmly.

"Simple. Last night, I finished all of my homework in approximately five minutes, having already mastered all of the skills anyway. I strictly went to bed at 8:00 sharp --"

"Who sleeps at that time?" you demanded, your question more of an exclamation. "Don't you have a life? Don't you curl up in your bed until midnight, watching anime and reading manga?"

He stared at you with an apathetic expression on his face. "Can't you see I'm going through my schedule? Stop interrupting me, devoted otaku."

You laughed at his words. "Haha! "The Devoted Otaku"! That should be my new name!"

He let out a small scoff, brandishing the papers in his hands. "Do you know what the word 'otaku' even means? It's an insult, actually."

"Huh? Really?" You stared at him cluelessly.

He let out an exasperated sigh, and just like he was a dictionary, stated the meaning of the word. "Otaku. A person mindlessly filled with obsessive interests, usually with manga and anime, and therefore bringing detriment to their social skills. Therefore, I am basically saying that you have no life."

You stared at him blankly for a second, trying to comprehend his definition, before a grin split your face. "I'M AN OTAKU AND I'M PROUD! HAHA!"

Gakushu looked like he was going to faint at the loudness that you had declared your statement. Your voice continued to echo throughout the surrounding neighborhoods even a few seconds later. Dogs barked and whined unhappily, and people were peering from the windows in utter shock. Looks like everyone within a mile's radius officially knows that you're an otaku. Congratulations.

"Uh...oops. That was an accident! Sorry everyone!" you cried out sheepishly as an apology, before rushing towards the school's direction with a hard blush smeared across your face. Gakushu followed, looking irritated yet amused all at the same time.


The two of you were almost at the school, and as you shifted from grass to sidewalk, you couldn't help but glance back at the Class E building, sitting on the hilltop. I wonder what they do there? Are they...happy? Nagisa and Kayano don't seem to mind being there. It's like a whole different world.

"Gakushu...why don't you like Class E, exactly?"

The question had popped out of your mouth before you could stop it, but you just wanted to know. What did Gakushu think of them? And was it really his own choice?

You had expected more of a reaction, but he surprisingly answered it with great ease. "Simple. I need to raise the legacy of Class A. People need to understand the margin between the high and low. They need to understand capability in the next generation, and not play silly games with those who do not possess that talent."

As intelligent as Gakushu was, you couldn't bring yourself to agree with him. "But if no one is there to nurture that talent...then are they just useless?"

His eyes were clouded for a moment, and he abruptly stopped walking. Sighing, he turned to look at you, his hands thoughtfully clasped together.

"We need the world to run properly, (Y/N). You're only wasting your sympathy. Class E will always be Class E, and Class A will always be Class A."

That's it? That's all he can say? You felt anger pulsing through your veins, but you forced yourself to stare coolly back at him. You didn't want to spark a fight like yesterday.

"So you're saying that some lives are worthless. Just let those innocent kids rot away. Ha, what if they die? That's good, right? It'll only contribute to our world of capability, right?"

To your surprise, he winced a little, as if hurt by your words. That's strange. He usually doesn't act like this.

Then, he regained his posture, and turned away from your gaze, as if unable to look at you. "Look, can we go to school already? I don't want to leave a bad impression by being late. Let's just stop talking about Class E for a while, alright? Competitiveness is the only thing that matters at Kunugigaoka."

Before you could say another word to counter him, he immediately turned away, his clenched fists showing his defiance to answer any more questions. With a sad tilt of your head, you trudged after him in silence.

Pride and love. Damn it, why can't he choose one or the other?


Haha, I love messing with the reader's feelings! I must be evil or something...

Please give suggestions. I feel like I'm gonna get writer's block... :(

Thank you for those who are reading, and know that I am determined to not make this story completely dead! Maybe this will be the first work I'll ever finish...we'll never know...

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