Chapter 8

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You and Gakushu had met up in the band room after school.

"Okay, so we have three weeks to decide what we'll do for the talent show. The best way to start is to find an instrument that you like," Gakushu had said. "We'll look at all of the band instruments today. I'm sure you'll find something you like in the band room."

Yeah, right.

An hour flew by in the band room, and you and Gakushu had tried all of the band instruments from the tuba to the flute. But you still had nothing.

"Are you sure you don't want to play the guitar?" Gakushu asked for about the millionth time, even though you had said no about a million times in reply. You hated the guitar.

You groaned, and collapsed on a chair after a while. "None of these instruments fit me. I can't play anything!"

You really had tried to find an instrument that had sparked your interest, but it was a desperate attempt. Every instrument just didn't seem to fit you. You couldn't just play something that you sucked at.

Gakushu sat in the chair next to you, exhausted from rummaging through the instruments. "Don't give up hope yet, (Y/N). I'm sure we'll find something..."

"Are you sure I can even do anything?" you asked, your spirits lowered. You just couldn't stay optimistic after going through nearly every band instrument and not finding one that you wanted to play. You didn't want to let Gakushu down, but you still felt uncertain that you had a talent.

Gakushu just glared at you. "Quit being so pessimistic. I told you not to feel any qualms."

"But I still don't know what qualms is!" you wailed in reply, as you wondered what the word meant.

"Didn't I tell you to study your vocabulary?"

"Yeah, but..."

"So, tell me what qualms is. I'm sure you can do it."

You thought for a long second, wondering what the word meant. Vocabulary wasn't something that you excelled at, but you tried to grope for the definition anyway.

Finally, you came to an answer.

"So, qualms is a medicine!" you declared.

Gakushu slammed his face against the chair, groaning. "Just stop talking, will you?"

" I correct?"


You exited school, disappointed. You hadn't figured out what instrument you would play for the talent show, or found out what the word "qualms" meant. Maybe you'll check it out in the dictionary later.

You entered your house and flopped on your bed, the cool cloth comforting after a long day at school.

But you still didn't know what to do for the talent show.

Sighing to yourself, you began wandering around the house, bored to death and wondering what to do. You decided to check out the attic. There was always something interesting up there, especially with all of the old antiques that had been stowed away.

You climbed up the attic stairs and sneezed as dust hit your nose. When your eyes stopped watering, you sighed the wood floor packed with boxes over boxes. Spilled papers were everywhere, crumbling and yellowing because of their old age. Sunlight filtered through the rusty windows.

You staggered through the boxes, and began rummaging through them. An old trophy, a cookbook, and an old clock. Nothing too interesting at the moment.

But then, your gaze caught on an object, peeking out of a cardboard box. You curiously walked towards the object to take a closer look.

You touched the object with a tentative hand. Your hands met a smooth, brown surface as you felt it. It seemed to be made of wood, and was hollow on the inside. When you pulled the object out the box, you saw the curves of the wood, and attached to it were four strings.

It was a violin.

You traced your fingers along the edges of the wood, and plucked one of the strings to test it out. It made a sour note that made you cringe. It had obviously not been tuned for a long time to make such a terrible note.

As you stared at the violin for a while, you suddenly felt eyes on your back. You turned around to find your father smiling at you from behind.

"That was your grandmother's violin. She had loved to play it when she was about your age," he said, as he began walking towards you. Then, he continued, "That violin represented one of her greatest passions. She would always play and night. The house was always lively when she played melodious tunes on this instrument."

"This violin must have been very important to her..." you remarked, as you continued staring at the violin.

"Yes, it was," your father agreed. "It was such an important part of her, indeed. Here, let me tune it for you so you can play it."

You watched, mesmerized, as your father took the violin from your hands and began plucking at the strings, the sour note emitting from the instrument. He frowned a bit and began twisting some of the knobs on the instrument, occasionally testing the sound. After the strings made four gracious, clear notes, he handed it back to you.

"You can try it if you like. Go ahead," your father said with a nod, smiling. He stood up and left the room, leaving you with the string instrument.

You stared at the violin for a second, thinking about how beautiful the instrument was. No wonder your grandmother had loved it so much. You decided that maybe you really should play it.

You looked around the attic until you found the bow for the violin, and then seated yourself on one of the boxes. You rested your chin against the edge of the violin, and brushed the bow against one of the strings, carefully dragging it across. A high note was emitted from the wood, until it vanished into the air.

You continued playing around with the instrument, the violin squeaking as you created out-of-tune notes. But it didn't stop you from loving the instrument. It was truly amazing. Sure, it would take some practice, but this instrument was really perfect. You admired every feature of this violin.

You rummaged through the attic a little more until you found the violin case that went with it. You carefully placed the violin and the bow into the case, latched it, and brought it down the stairs.


The next day, you brought the violin case with you to school.

"What's with the violin case?" Gakushu had inquired, tilting his head to the side.

You turned to him, smiling with confidence.

"I think I finally know what instrument I should play for the talent show..."

Gakushu x Reader (Assassination Classroom Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now