Chapter 2

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Your Perspective:

Lunch time was probably the only time Class A could relax from their harsh lessons. Usually, lunch time was something you looked forward to everyday. But today, you stared emotionlessly at the noodles in front of you with no interest in eating them. You dug tunnels through the waviness of the food with the end of your chopstick, without taking a single bite.

All you could do was think about the strange way Gakushu had looked at you in the halls.

It was different than any other experience you had ever had with him. On that day, he had went from scolding you for not improving your test score to helping you up when you feel without another word. His eyes had seemed so kind when he had picked up your books for you. And then that hurt look that was in his eyes when you had left in an obvious attempt from getting away from all just didn't add up. Why in the world would Gakushu Asano care about you out of all people? All he'd seemed to have wanted was to show off his exam scores. At least, that's what you had always believed, until today's encounter. He had helped you out of all people...

You took a quick glance at Gakushu, who was busily chattering with his friends at another lunch bench nearby. If he had been aware about him helping you, he definitely showed no sign of it in his actions, as he wore the same, hostile face that he always did.

You snort to yourself. How could you have thought that he had any feelings for you? Look at him now--he was careless to everything in the world right now, acting like nothing had happened. So what if Gakushu had helped you? He was the same as always, no matter what.

You don't notice that you are intensely staring at Gakushu until he finally catches you spying on him. You locked gazes with his sharp, purple eyes for only a split second before jerking away swiftly. You can still feel Gakushu's gaze on your back, as hot as burning fire, and you hold your chopsticks slightly tighter, tension flowing through every muscle in your body. You stare at your noodles for the rest of lunch, still feeling slightly shaky and your palms felt clammy. When it was time for the students to head back to their classrooms, you still stayed put on the bench, not moving a single inch as you made an effort to keep your gaze on your noodles. All you wanted was for Gakushu to leave the room. You just couldn't stand him no more.

You felt him pass by you, and you felt your body stiffen, but he passed by without another glance. You let out a shaky breath, as the chopsticks drop from your hands and clatter on the wood surface.

When everyone had finally left, you kicked the bench that you were sitting at in pure anger, eyes flaming hungrily. When you actually thought you'd seen real emotion out of Gakushu Asano, only for it to disappear once more without a trace.

You flung your chopsticks at the ground in disgust, and continued stomping on them, letting out every last ounce of anger. When you were finally tired, you let out a gasp of breath and collapsed back into the bench, feeling defeated.

Sometimes, I almost feel that Gakushu-san is wearing a mask on all the time. He acts selfish and cruel, and always tries to be the smart alack, thinking he's superior to us all peers. least maybe...behind that mask is someone who is a nice person? But I don't think that seems right..

You thought of that carefully as you packed your uneaten noodles back into your bag, and absentmindedly walked through the halls.


The next day was a sunny one, with clear blue skies and not a single cloud in sight. You watched the sky with squinted eyes as you began walking to school. Your bag was slung over your shoulder as you trekked across the sidewalk, your shoes clattering loudly on the cement.

Maybe today will be one of those perfect days, for once... you thought to yourself optimistically, as you smiled softly to yourself. Beautiful weather, and no Gakushu Asano to ruin it.

At least, that's what you had thought, until it all happened...

Suddenly, in the distance, you sighted someone crossing the road. You narrowed your eyes, attempting to make out who it was, but they were too far of a distance. You watched as the figure began walking on the crosswalk of the road, aiming to get to the other side, with one strap of a backpack dangling over the figure's shoulder. You guessed it was probably another student, as you continued walking forward.

Then, a loud, deafening roar filled your ears, making you jump in place. You shook your head wildly, until you took into sight a car that was speeding far beyond the speed limit, the engine roaring like a tribe of lions, and the tires making a terrible screeching sound. You could smell the burning rubber even from here.

Then, with great horror, you realized something.

The car was heading straight for the student's path.

"No!" you screeched, as you immediately began bolting in the student's direction.

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